The US National Defense Security Cooperation announced that it will be sold against TaiwanThe F-16 fighter aircraft for $ 300 million (S $ 400 million) (S $ 400 million) has related military equipment such as spare and repair parts.

The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) issued a press release on Wednesday (June 5), Eastern Time, saying that the US State Department has approved two military sales cases, and DSCA will notify the US Congress on the day.

The press release pointed out that the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States requests to purchase the standard reserve and repair parts, components, consumables and accessories for the purchase of F-16 fighters, as well as engineering, technology, technology, and technology provided by the US government and contractors.Logistics and other related services are estimated to cost about $ 220 million.

The representative office also requests to purchase non-standard quasi-standard backup and repairs parts, components, consumables and accessories for F-16 fighters, as well as engineering, technology, logistics and other related services provided by the US government and contractors.The estimated cost is about 80 million US dollars.

The press release states that the two military sales case approved by the US State Department will support Taiwan to continue to work hard to promote the modernization of the army to maintain reliable defense capabilities and help Taiwan to maintain the F-16 fighter fleet fleet.Combat status and improve Taiwan's ability to deal with current and future threats.

Press release pointed out that these two military sales cases are in line with the US country, economic and security interests, and will also help improve Taiwan's security, maintain regional political stability, military force balance, and economic progress.The press release also said that the military sales case and the United States' support for Taiwan will not change the military balance in the region.

According to the Taiwan media statistics, this is the 14th of the US President Biden Biden in 2021.

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense issued a press release on Thursday (June 6) that the U.S. government has "universal" and "dedicated" aviation attachments on the Air Force F-16 aircraft.The Taiwan Army sold the case and carried out the "Congress of the Congress" process, which is expected to officially take effect a month.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that in the face of mainland China attempts to use the ash area to normalize the method of invasion of the gray zone, compress the training space and response time of Taiwan's sea airspace, and limited the right to self -defense against Taiwan.The items of the aviation materials and parts will help to maintain the proper and consumed supplement of the Taiwan Air Force fighter aircraft, and meet the needs of defense operations and combat reserve training to ensure that Taiwan's traditional combat power is not falling.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that the stability of the Taiwan Strait requires the joint maintenance of both sides of the strait. Taiwan has released the maximum goodwill. However, military intimidation does not help regional peace, and calls on mainland China to stop various irrational behaviors of Taiwan.Based on the "Taiwan Relations Law" and "six guarantees", the United States continues to assist Taiwan to maintain sufficient self -defense ability. It is the basis for maintaining regional stability.