In response to the US President Biden, he stated that he did not rule out the use of US military guards. It was considered that the attitude did not seem to be stable before.The first thing is to improve self -defense capabilities.

Biden said in an exclusive interview with Times Magazine that if the military in mainland China attacked Taiwan, it would not rule out the use of US forces to respond.Taiwanese scholars believe that Biden has repeatedly said that he will defend Taiwan many times, but if it is interpreted as the United States, it will be a bit overwhelmed by the United States to fight the PLA. Biden's statement is still within the blurred range of the United States.

Comprehensive Taiwan media reports such as comprehensive Sanli News Network and ETTODAY News Cloud reported that Gu Lixiong was invited to report to the Legislative Yuan's diplomatic and national defense committees on Thursday (June 6).It seems that there is no previous stability in the previous few times. It may follow the Ukrainian model to only give Taiwan weapons. Gu Lixiong said that from the perspective of the past, Bayon's conversation is to highlight Taiwan's importance.Lack of elements.

He emphasized, "We are the first to strengthen self -defense capabilities and join the so -called effective obstacles of the U.S. Indo -Pacific strategy." This is the focus of the Ministry of National Defense and strengthening Taiwan's self -defense.

For the Taiwan -US National Defense Industry Forum held in Taiwan on Thursday. Whether the Taiwanese side will purchase new weapons? Gu Lixiong said that Taiwan and the United States defense industry is a private industry forum and a civil exchange.It doesn't matter if you buy it in it. "

As for whether to receive a call from the United States Association (AIT) in the Taiwan Association (AIT), Gu Lixiong said that without receiving the AIT call, he was just explaining the military cooperation between Taiwan and the United States. "I think many partsYou can only do it and you can't say it. "

In addition, the MAC has called for the opening of the M503 route in order to deal with the puzzle of mainland China, and it is urgent to formulate and promote the "Military Aviation Law".Because some issues need to be discussed across ministries, so there is no final conclusion.

Gu Lixiong will go to the Legislative Yuan for the first business report since taking office on Thursday.Public information shows that Gu Lixiong, 66, has served as Secretary -General of the National Security Council this year. Without a military background, he will be the seventh literati Minister in Taiwan's history.