Donald Trump (Donald Trump)It took a lot of time to review and defense the defeat in 2020 during the presidential election campaign.But behind the scenes, he and his team are formulating a plan to take power to avoid re -committing mistakes in 2016.

If the US voters send Trump back to the White House again this year, what is he going to do?For those who want to know, the former president is going out.

There is a concise summary on his campaign website. He can hear the relevant content in his assembly speech. He entrusted the staff who commissioned him to prepare for the second time to make a record.

They call this plan "Act 47" (Agenda47) -the refers to the 47th president of the United States if Trump wins.He is the most popular candidate to win the Republican nomination and will match the Democratic President Joe Biden next November.

Eight years ago, when Trump opened his little -winning White House election campaign, he had only limited funds, a team consisting of political abillers and Wuhezhong.

He has a slogan: Make America Great Again again.He has several pillar policies, such as building border walls and temporarily prohibiting Muslims from entering the United States.He also has an anti -building and drying attitude of the old forces.

After unexpected victory, he began to put his extensive political desires into practice, but the results were good or bad.

His "Muslim ban" has been repeatedly rejected by the court, and then became a policy policy in the form of a shrinking version.His commitment to build the border wall could not be put on the downturn of the lawsuit and the Democratic Party of Congress.

In the eyes of Trump's circle, this is a failure caused by insufficient preparation and improper employment.If they can win in the 2024 election, they do not intend to repeat the same mistakes.

Lot said that in the discussion after that, he soon realized that the team was at all unable to "promote the government's big ship."This time, he said that he and other old ministers in President Trump must be fully prepared, and at this moment they are formulating plans.

"This is a tactical manual. Things are to do this. And here, the most important thing is that those liberal bureaucratic systems will try to stop you in this field, region and positions."

This tactical manual has been disclosed outward in the past year.Essence

Some of these declarations are close to fantasy.His government wants to invest in flying cars and build a "free city" on the vacant federal government's land, so that Americans can live and work without tedious regulations.

Others are quite controversial. For example, he plans to concentrate the homeless people and migrate to a tent camp outside the American city until their "problems are clearly determined."Some are directly closer to the cultural war -he hopes that public school teachers must "embrace patriotic values."

He also further emphasized protectionist policies, called for "global basic tariffs" for all imported goods, and can further increase tariffs on countries with "unfair" trade behaviors.

In terms of immigration, he hopes to restore the policy of staying in Mexico during the period of obstetric immigration to apply for asylum.He also called on no -migrant immigrants who were born on the American land to automatically obtain citizenship.

He promised to reduce the "hundreds of billions" of US dollars in US international assistance and end the Russia -Ukraine War in the process.According to media reports, he is considering allowing the United States to withdraw from NATO, or at least reduce the participation of the United States in the Cross -Atlantic Defense Agreement.

"Today, the biggest threat of Western civilization is not Russia," he said in a video in March. "The threat more serious than everything is likely to be ourselves and some hates the United States, but it represents our terrible.Character.

According to Lot, the most important problem in Trump in the 2024 agenda is energy -increase supply to reduce the amount of the accounts of each household.

In his opinion, higher energy prices are the main cause of inflation pressure at the beginning of President Biden's term.

"Re -open the valve and release signals to the market and energy companies, indicating that we are opening the business again, in fact, it will reduce energy prices in the long run."

These policies represent the efforts of Trump's efforts to reshape the Republican Party with their own image.

George W Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney are the Republican ginsengs of the previous four presidential elections in Trump 2016 in 2016.Choose people -their conservativeism has been cleaned.

"This party has evolved, and there is no other way to describe it," Bryan Lanza, a Republican strategist who has the Trump campaign team, said, "Now we support tariffs nowWho can get this party? "

Langza said that the new Republican Party combines conservativeism and populism that attracts workers' class voters, including those who have traditionally connected with the Democratic Party.Immigration, trade, and restraint foreign policy that matches the "strength" of the United States is the core of the agenda.

Many of Trump's proposals require Congress to implement legislation, and the current parliament is controlled by the Democrats who strongly oppose him to a certain extent.Other proposals, such as the end of the citizenship of birth, are likely to violate the US constitution and will definitely be challenged in court.

However, there are some policies that can be implemented within the scope of his power as the executive head -if he has a group of loyal assistants and government staff to do things.And this is one of the problems that Trump has been preparing to solve for a period of time.

In October 2020, before Trump was selected, he signed an administrative order to create a new category of civil servants.These positions called "F -Class" are high -end policy makers, which are traditionally borne by the bureaucratic bureaucratic government.Under Trump's order, they may now be fired and replaced by the president and his senior political personnel.

In fact, this will allow the president to clean up thousands of government employees and replace them with their own confidence.

Biden quickly revoked the order, but Trump promised to re -implement the order as one of his primary actions after being elected again.In campaign videos and public speeches, he is boasting what this change will bring.

He said he will say that he will be in a period of January, he said he will say that he will be aboutWill "find out and remove radicals, fanatics and Marxists who have sneaked into the Federal Ministry of Education."

"We will let the employees of each administrative department branch be fired by the US president through key reforms," ​​said at a rally in South Carolina last year. "Deep State must yield."

Behind Trump's campaign machine, a series of organizations have to ensure that Trump's vision is realized.

The names of these organizations include "RENEWING America" ​​and "American Priority Policy Research Institute" where Lore is located.——The is not enough, and most of them are composed of senior officials of the Trump administration in the past and are producing position documents in large quantities. It may be used as a blueprint for Trump's policies listed in the past year.


The Conservative PARTNERSHIP Institute listed Trump's former staff member Mark Meadows as "senior partner".The agency recruits and train, and finds employment for conservatives who may join the Future Republican Presidential Government.They have prepared a database with a list of people who are willing to complete the federal bureaucracy that Trump wants to complete.

Some people who used to be Trump Assistant and later became his critics were worried about such progress.

"If Trump was elected and entered the second time, there would be no wise people around him," said Cassidy Hutchinson.He was a senior assistant of Meidos. He had accused Trump in the parliamentary hearing on January 6 last year.

However, for Trump's supporters, a team consisting of more loyal and hard -working candidates will make Trump's presidential term less chaotic and more policies.

Lot imagine that Trump can elaborate his plan in detail when he took office.

He imagined that Trump would say this: "There are 50 policies here, there are 50 administrative orders here, and there are 1500 positions I intend to fill in here ... and this is my legislative plan -re -revitalization of energy sources, Protect the border, deal with inflation "

This statement is the reason and optimism of Trump's loyal supporters, but the detailed explanation of the agenda may also provide the Democratic opportunity to attack.

"I think there is the opportunity to qualitatively hire a fass friend of Trump and his policy experts in this way, saying that they are not only completely separated from reality, but also determined to deprive most Americans' reasonable status in American society," the Democratic Party's politicsConsistence and Craig Varoga, a part -time lecturer at American universities.

"And on some issues -such as abortion rights- (they hope), the behavior that considers many people as reasonable and free as a crime."

He also said that Trump, who is always fickle, may change his mind, and finally abandon all the policy proposals prepared by his consultant.

But Langza didn't take this possibility for granted, because this team knew Trump very well.

"These people will be trusted by the president because of their work in the government team, and they will be in a priority position to have an impact," he said: "Will the plan change over time? Of course, will it beThe plan will change. "

As for the Democratic Party is committed to attacking the Trump agenda, Lanza disdain this.He said that critics also said the same thing about the former president's campaign proposal in 2016.

"It makes people feel frightened and quite provocative, but it still makes people listen to his core information."

"One of President Trump did a very good point is that he would break your inherent thinking mode in how voters treat controversial things."

*The picture is made by the BBC visual news team (The Visual Journalism Team) Sarah Deshaut