Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen, who was interviewed by the Broadcasting Corporation before he stepped down, warned that if Beijing's forces attacked Taiwan, it would pay a lot of costs in mainland China, and may even lag for decades.

The official website of the Taiwan Government issued Cai Yingwen's interview content on Saturday (May 18).In the interview, Tsai Ing -wen said: "Occuping Taiwan will pay a lot of price, and Chinese (mainland) leaders must carefully measure whether they are ready to pay such a price. What we have to do is to increase the cost of aggression. One is to strengthen the enhancementThe second is to cooperate with regional allies to form a common scolding force.She warns that mainland China must recognize the fact that war will allow them to pay the price in economic development. It may be lag for several years, or even decades.A more important " Tsai Ing -wen said that Beijing has become more aggressive in recent years, and said that it must be very careful about the development of mainland China, because mainland China is the source of uncertain factors in other parts of the world.She believes that mainland China is a military power, but it has reached the stage of lack of new momentum of economic growth, which will cause serious consequences to society.

She said: "The current world is very different, especially in After the Russia and Ukraine War , the democratic country seems to be able to unite, facing the intention of aggression, and forming meaningful scare.Maintain the peace you need. "

For viewing that Taiwan is more important than Ukraine, Cai Yingwen replied:" We don't want to use Western countries to reduce support or eventually abandon Ukraine. This is not our position. Our position is that democratic countries should fully support Ukraine, because this is a very important factor for establishing confidence for Taiwan. "

Tsai Ing -wen said that Taiwan has a set of political systems to govern, with laws to regulate society, and own their own army.When mature, some countries may be willing to further establish a form of diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

On the other hand, the new government officials who are about to take office in Taiwan revealed that the president Lai Qingde will promise to maintain the status quo on both sides of the strait, "ensure that the status quo of stability is not eroded"Four spirit of self -confidence, responsibility, and unity.