The Taiwan Legislative Yuan's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission went to Taiping Island on Saturday (May 18) in the early morning. The Kuomintang legislator Ma Wenjun said that this time is a very rare opportunity to declare the determination to defend sovereignty to the outside world.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Central News Agency reported that the Taiping Island Legislative Council Inspection Team originally scheduled to go to the Air Force Pingtung Base after the Legislative Yuan at the Legislative Yuan in the afternoon of Friday (17th).However, as the Legislative Yuan Council handled the relevant bill of power amendments to the Legislative Yuan on Friday, the court staged a voting war and extended the meeting time.The ministerial meeting, the aircraft took off at 6 am to the Air Force Pingtung Base on time.

According to statistics, about 20 legislators participated in Taiping Island inspection, but because the Legislative Yuan handled the Legislative Yuan's authority amendment to the Legislative Yuan on Friday, many legislators were also in Challenge and Defense Conflict and have canceled their trip to Taiping Island. In the end, 10 legislators went to Taiping Island for inspection, including Jiang Qichen, deputy director of the Legislative Yuan, and the Kuomintang legislature.Ma Wenjun, Weng Xiaoling, Huang Ren, Huang Jianhao, Liao Xianxiang, Zheng Zhengzhang, Lai Shizhen, Luo Tingwei, and Chen Zhaoxi, legislators of the people.

Ma Wenjun said in an interview before departure that this is a very rare opportunity and hopes to comfort the local officers and soldiers.The outside world says that there is a reef, so I hope that today I can go to see it, so that the outside world knows that Taiping Island is indeed an island and the territory of the "Republic of China".

I was asked if this time I went to Taiping Island to deepen the conflict of the region.instruct.Today is to show determination and defend the territory. It is unlikely to create any conflicts. Many legislators have also arrived in Taiping Island eight years ago.

The Kuomintang legislators Lai Shizhen said that it would only fight all day in the Legislative Yuan on Friday, and there are still many battles to fight in the future."Just like this time I went to Taiping Island to bring wind direction everywhere in the DPP, and maliciously distorted this trip. Today, I can go to the island with many colleagues of the legislators to declare sovereignty and comfort the officers and soldiers on the island."

Taiping Island is the largest natural island in the Nansha Islands, which is currently controlled by Taiwan.Mainland China, the Philippines, and Vietnam have made a loud claim on Taiping Island.