After the Taiwan Chao Ye and the Legislative Yuan's reform related amendments, after a fierce physical conflict broke out, Han Yu, the president of the Legislative Yuan, posted a document on a social platform to call on respect for the discussion, pragmatic negotiation, and rational communication.

South Korea ’s Yu Saturday (May 18) wrote on Facebook in the evening:" Respect democracy, respect the discussion, pragmatic negotiation, rational communication, and cheer for the Legislative Yuan. "

The DPPThe chairman and president Lai Qingde also emphasized on Facebook earlier that he will abide by the Constitution and expect the legislature to return to rational discussions.

The former president of the Legislative Yuan, You Xizhen, posted a photo of the DPP legislators Shen Boyang falling into a photo of physical conflict and falling, and wrote: "Congress chaos, anxiety of Chinese people, internal consumption, international surprises, ancient rareThe old man was in heartache! "

Yi Ping News reported that this physical conflict caused several legislators to be injured and sent to the hospital.A little tired.