A series of limb conflicts broke out on Friday (May 17).National text 掴 掴.Guo Guowen subsequently snatched the discussion of Zhou Wanlai, the secretary -general of the Legislative Yuan, and pulled his legs.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan conducted a three -read voting process for the five Legislative Yuan reform bills proposed in the wild blue and white camp (that is, the Kuomintang and the DPP).The rotation shift held the door of the parliament. In order to grab the order of the proposal in the morning, the legislators of the opposition and the opponent were severely pushed at the door. The scene was hot.

After the

The Council started, the Kuomintang legislators occupied the podium and obtained the dominance of the proposal.When dealing with a report, the Democratic Progressive Party Pingtung County legislators, Lian Jiabin, suddenly climbed up to the podium. The Kuomintang did not divide the legislator and gynecologist Chen Jinghui first, and jumped on the stage to block Jian Jiabin.

I did not expect that Yan Jiabin hugged Chen Jinghui's waist and heel, and touched her hips in her right hand. After pulling, she fell from the table to the chair. After Chen Jinghui got up, he was pushed to the ground.


A group of female legislators of the Kuomintang later opened a press conference to support Chen Jinghui, accusing Qian Jiabin sexual harassment.Chen Jinghui also reprimanded when responding. She couldn't accept an apology based on lies. "I reached out to block, is it just a legitimate reason to be attacked?"

Chen Jinghui said that she only wanted to stand next to the Legislative Dean Han Yu to protect him, and did not want to fight with others; when she was stunned, she felt panic, pain, anger and helplessness.She also said that her legs were bruised, knee scratched skin, and pain in the back of the back, and she was nauseous due to the touch of the limbs.

The other two physical conflicts are related to the DPP Tainan Municipal Legislator Guo Guowen.He was accused of cutting the line in line in the morning when he entered the meeting in the morning, and he called Huang Guochang, the general party of the party. In the afternoon, he blatantly snatched the 72 -year -old lawmaker Zhou Wanlai, Zhou Wanlai, and took the door.

Guo Guowen then explained on Facebook that he could not stand Huang Guochang's roar and sprayed his mouth.In response, Huang Guochang insisted that he was not pushed or beaten, and condemned Guo Guowen not only to cut off in line, but also beaten people.

In response to the grab document, Guo Guowen issued a statement that he did not push or attack the secretary general Zhou Wanlai.He also argued that the behavior of grabbing documents was to face the majority of blue and white violence, intending to use voting to replace inquiries and negotiate, and forcibly adopted a cup of cup in the case of illegal expansion bills.

The People's Party subsequently issued a statement that expressed solemn protest against Guo Guowen's behavior, condemning the DPP to create enemies within Taiwan in the internal way of manufacturing, neither democracy nor improved.Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun also issued a statement saying that the DPP obviously could not recognize the new public opinion represented by the new Legislative Yuan.

The DPP spokesman Wu Yan criticized that Blue and Bai joined forces to use the name of Congress reform to force the violation of the law and abuse of power.And make the Legislative Yuan become international jokes.

The reform bill of offensive and defensive and defense of Taiwan, including the law of the Legislative Yuan's authority, the crime of contempt for Congress, the normalization of the presidential national conditions report, and the increase in the right to investigate the hearing.

Because the DPP strongly opposed the relevant bill to perform a three -reading voting, it was impossible to reach a consensus on Friday afternoon after three times and the opponents.The Legislative President South Korea Yuyuan suggested to continue to meet next Tuesday, but the Blue and White Party Group proposed that the agenda was processed until the end of the Legislative Yuan reform bill.

Finally, South Korea ’s grocery instructions raised their screens, and Lan Bai joined forces to take a break through the night war to complete the review of the relevant reform bill.