Taiwan Blue and Green Both parties on the Reform of the Legislative Yuan Reform Reform Draft Draft CaseAfter the outbreak of fierce physical conflict, the Democratic Progressive Party and president Lai Qingde issued a post in the early morning, emphasizing that he would abide by the Constitution, and hoped that the Legislative Yuan and the opposition party and the opposition party could return to rational discussions.

Lai Qingde posted on Facebook in the early morning of Saturday (May 18) that he was worried about the Legislative Yuan as everyone on Friday night, and he was concerned about the future of Taiwan.

He said that he must express condolences to the members who were injured in offense and defense in the negotiations, and thanked each Democratic Progressive Party member who defended the proposal and spoke on stage for the process of facing the procedure unjust discipline.Everyone still fights to the last moment, showing the strong will of the DPP to protect democracy.

Lai Qingde said that less than two days before 520, he wanted to report to all the people, "I will follow the Constitution and implement the positions of the people give me."Let the operation of the discussion restore the harmony and gain the greatest consensus to respond to the people's expectations.

Xiao Meiqin, the vice president of Taiwan, posted on Facebook on the same day, saying that God bless Taiwan and everyone who protects democracy and freedom must be safe.

The Taiwan Legislative Court handles the draft laws of revision of the Court of Reform of the Court of Court of the Court of Court of the Kuomintang and the People's Party on Friday (May 17)Essence

However, there were many physical conflicts erupted in the early morning of the North Korean party, and severe conflicts occurred in the evening.As of the evening, the DPP legislator Shen Boyang, Jian Jiabin, Qiu Zhiwei, Zhuang Ruixiong, Guo Guowen and Kuomintang legislators Wu Zongxian and other at least six legislators were sent to the doctor for their physical discomfort.

The hospital will be carried out until 12 pm, and the legislator Han Yu announced the rest and scheduled to continue the follow -up provisions on May 21.

In addition, thousands of people went to the Legislative Yuan to protest outside the Legislative Yuan on Friday night, shouting "No Discussion, Not Democracy", and asked to stop voting and substantial review.

Taiwan blue and green legislatorsAfter a physical conflict erupted by the Legislative Yuan, there were people who went to the Legislative Yuan on Friday night to protest the lack of transparency of the voting agenda of the Legislative Yuan and asked the Legislative Yuan to stop the voting.Some people held a slogan and wrote "Stopping the Black Box Act to return to the committee."(Agence France-Presse)
During the Taiwan Legislative Court reviewed the Reform Act of the Court of Blue and White, many Taiwanese people gathered outside the door of the Legislative Yuan to protest.(Reuters)

Participants said that they are a group of young people and students who care about Taiwan's democracy. They see that there are many unreasonable phenomena in the news of the Kuomintang and the people of the people in the news to temporarily spontaneously spontaneously rally.

Luo Yi, who represents a speech, said that during the voting war of the Legislative Yuan, there was no provision at all."" ".