The Taiwan Legislative Yuan broke out of physical conflicts. The DPP accused the legislator of the Legislative President South Korea ’s mobilization policeman with a secret recorder to the legislators and was“ treating legislators as criminals ”.

Comprehensive Taiwan Civil Television News Network and the Central News Agency reported that the Democratic Progressive Party Legislative Yuan party group held a press conference on Saturday (May 18) in the morning.The hosted conference meeting failed and saw a legislative court of violence, cold blood, tickets and police.

Wu Siyao said that South Korea ’s Yu also mobilized the police that day, and each policeman was wearing a secret recorder, and he had never seen it in history.She made a challenge in the Legislative Yuan's consultation. Why do so many police officers face the legislators with a secret recorder?

She said that South Korean Yu argued that these policemen were transferred to protect legislators, so South Korea ’s Yu was asked to find a secret recorder to find out who pushed her to the stairs.

Wu Siyao also accused the Kuomintang of the Kuomintang group calling Fu Kunzheng in front of her, the DPP general called Ke Jianming and Secretary Changzhuang Ruixiong.Pats a little more police. "Wu Siyao said that Fu Kunzheng did not deny it after the incident, but argued that he was calling the police.

In response, Fu Kunzheng's office responded in an interview on Saturday that the DPP imprisoned South Korean Yu on the same day.Entering party legislators.

The Taiwan Legislative Court handles the draft laws of the Reform of the Court of Court of the Court of Court of the Kuomintang Group and the People's Party on Friday, including the method of exercising the lawThere were many physical conflicts, and the scene was chaotic.

On the same night, thousands of people went to the Legislative Court to protest outside the court, shouting "No discussion, not democracy", and asked to stop voting and substantial review.

In response, the Kuomintang chairman Zhu Lilun posted on Facebook, condemning the Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Lai Qingde to make trouble, but also wanted to call for school movements or the masses.This may be the shame of democracy all over the world, hoping that the DPP cliffs.