Although the Taiwan dynasty party has exploded several physical conflicts, under the pushing of the Kuomintang and the people's party, the second reading of the Legislative Yuan passed the relevant bill of presidential national conditions report, requiring the president Lai Qing Germany's emotional report to be normalized, and it must respond immediately in response.The verbal question of legislators was regarded as a major challenge after Lai Qingde took office.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan Newspaper and United Daily reports, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan handled the entire case of the draft amendments to the law of the Legislative Yuan of the Legislative Yuan of the Party Legislative Yuan of the Party Legislative Yuan of the People's Party Legislative Yuan.

Although the case was cup of the Democratic Progressive Party Group Cup, the legislators of various party Youth League also broke out multiple times in the early morning of Friday.The people's party and groups are proposed to revise the motion and approve.

According to the content passed by the second reading, the legislature invites the president to the Legislative Yuan for a national conditions report every year.The president was sent to the Legislative Yuan to the State Intelligence Book before February 1 and went to the Legislative Yuan for a national conditions report before March 1;National conditions report.

The provisions are also clearly determined. After the legislators report, the legislators must report unknown places after the presidential national conditions report, and ask oral or written questions.When legislators conduct verbal questions, the president should answer in order in order; the time, number of people, order, and proportion of political parties shall be determined by the party group.In the written issue of legislators, the president should respond in writing within seven days; the matter involved in the wide person, it may be extended for five days.

Wu Siyao, the director of the Democratic Progressive Party of the Legislative Yuan, said in the past that the blue and white parties should rethink and re -examine whether their version provisions are unconstitutional.If the constitutional regulations are repeatedly crossed, it is not appropriate to use the method of answering or other creations.