(Taipei Comprehensive News) After the Taiwan Chao -of -the Communist Party of China and the Legislative Yuan on the draft of the Reform of the Legislative Yuan, the DPP Chairman and President Lai Qingde emphasized that he will abide by the Constitution and expect the Legislative Yuan to return to rational discussions.

Lai Qingde posted on Facebook in the early morning of Saturday (May 18), saying that he was worried about the legislature as everyone in the evening of the evening of Friday (May 17).

Lai Qingde said that less than two days before May 20, he wanted to report to the people of Taiwan, "I will comply with the constitution and implement the position of the people give me."Let the operation of the discussion restore the harmony and gain the greatest consensus to respond to the people's expectations.

He also expressed condolences to the Democratic Progressive Party legislators who were injured in offense and defense in the negotiations. Thanks to them for "facing the process of procedural injustice, everyone still fought to the last moment" and showed the DPP's strong will to protect democracy.

Xiao Meiqin, the vice president of Taiwan, also posted on Facebook on the same day, saying that he blessed Taiwan and everyone who guarded democracy and freedom must be safe.

According to the joint report and the Liberty Times, Zhu Lilun, the Kuomintang chairman of Taiwan in the wild, condemned the DPP on Facebook on Friday and asked Lai Qingde in the interview on Saturday that he represented democracy and public opinion and strongly condemned the DPPThe violence and the world.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan handled the draft laws of the Legislative Yuan Reform Reform of the Legislative Court on Friday by the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, including the Legislative Yuan's authority exercise the law, contempt for Congress, the normalization of the presidential national conditions report, and the addition of the legislator to investigate the hearing rights.

Because the three parties of the Legislative Yuan are not half a half and the DPP is unable to stop the practice of the DPP, the Kuomintang rescued the party's revision of the law with a program card.Below, the second reading of the Legislative Yuan passed the relevant bill of the Presidential National conditions report, requiring Lai Qing Germany's emotional report to be normalized, and must respond to the verbal question of legislators immediately. It must also respond to the written question of legislators in writing within seven days.The bill is considered a major challenge after Lai Qingde took office.

The provisions passed by the second reading are clear. When the Legislative Yuan meets each year, the president is invited to the Legislative Yuan for a national conditions report.The president was sent to the Legislative Yuan to the State Intelligence Book before February 1 and went to the Legislative Yuan for a national conditions report before March 1;National conditions report.

Just when the leader was tugged, the Legislative Yuan once gathered hundreds of supporters of Green Camp outside the evening, shouting "no substantial discussion, not democracy" and other slogans, protesting the blue and white cooperation to let the bill pass, the DPP legislatorHe also climbed up the iron gate and shouted with the supporters, singing the island skylight, etc. The scene reminded the outside world to the Sunflower Study Games 10 years ago.