(Taipei Comprehensive News) The new government officials who are about to take office in Taiwan revealed that the president Lai Qingde will promise to maintain the status quo on both sides of the strait, "ensure that the status quo is not eroded", and focuses on stable, confident, responsible for responsibilityThe four spirit of unity.

Comprehensive Liberty Times, Central News Agency and Reuters reported that the national security high -level Lai Government Guoan senior management who did not want to disclose his name said that Lai Qingde will continue and maintain the main axis of the conversation on the day of victory, as well as "In democracy and prosperity, the new government will also highlight the above four spirit in the future.

The official explained that the connotation of "stable" is to continue the current foundation of Tsai Ing -wen and allow Taiwan to play an indispensable role in global economic or geographical stability.

"Confidence" refers to the implementation of "the world in the world", allowing Taiwan to be recognized by the international community in various fields and showing social innovation and toughness.

"Responsibility" means that the new government is responsible for the people of Taiwan and shows the world that Taiwan is a good power and responsible member of the world to compare the challenges faced by the world.

The last "unity" means that facing mainland China to differentiate Taiwanese society by united fronts in various means. It is necessary to bet on more efforts to unite Taiwanese people and strengthen Taiwan.

The official said that Lai Qingde would promise to further realize the modernization of Taiwan's defense and continue to implement its own military aircraft and ship plans. "Our goal is to ensure that conflicts will never happen."

Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony was held on Monday (May 20). He once claimed to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", and the content of the inaugural speech has attracted much attention.

Since Tsai Ing -wen came to power in 2016, Beijing has cut off the official and semi -official connection between the two sides of the strait./www.zaobao.com.sg/realtime/China/story20240428-3517434 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> Beijing announced the re-opening of Fujian people to travel to Matsu .

According to the China Times Fuzhou Evening News, Sun Xiaohao, chairman of the Taiwan Matsu Tourism Association, revealed when attending the Fujima Consultation Association in Fuzhou, Fujian in Fuzhou, Fujian, that in order to implement the relevant plans, the mainland will send a step on the line to Ma Zu to inspectEssence

Sun Xiahao said that the exchange group information of the Fuzhou Tourism Association is currently received by the Fuzhou Tourism Association. It is expected to start sending parts after 520. As long as the relevant Taiwan department approves and the land endorsement starts to accept it, I believe the travel cooperation model will be believed to be the model of tourism.Can start starting.

It is reported that 28 members will participate in the exchange group, and it is expected to be planned for three days and two nights.

Han Ming, president of the Fuzhou Tourism Association, who led the team, said that the members of the team are mainly tourist owners; the association has many consultations with the Taiwan Brigade Association, and the two parties will maintain good communication and hope to become as soon as possible.If the Taiwan side can provide the convenience of entry, it will soon organize the starting group.

Before the opening of the mainland, only residents of Fujian residents opened the mainland to the mainland.The response to Matsu was negative, saying that this did not meet the requirements of the Taiwan side's requirements to fully restore the principles of equivalent openness of two -way communication between the two -strait tourist group.