On April 15th, the northern Taiwan was almost power outage, which once again exposed the crisis of unstable power supply and power lack of power.The world is very worried about the adjustment of the energy structure and its backward progress, and it is impossible to be in the need of the semiconductor and artificial intelligence industry with great power consumption.The Green Energy goal of the Tsai government's "2025 non -nuclear home" determined the jumper, and Taiwan Power had a huge loss. As a result, the official increased the electricity price since April, with an average increase of 11%.

On the evening of April 15th, the four important generator crews of Taiwan Electric Power Company (referred to as Taipower) failed one after another. After night, renewable energy such as solar energy could not be supported in time.power failure.Taipower urgently asked for help from Taic -Power and other semiconductor plants, and was forced to buy electricity from the public at a high price of 12 yuan (NT $ time) at a high price of 12 yuan (that is, the same below, the same, S $ 0.53).

Earthquake occurred in early April. After Taipower was damaged in the local Peace Power plant, the Greater Taipei area and Taoyuan continued to have a power outage. Among them, Taoyuan was the hardest hit area with about 50 power outages.Some families fell into a dark at night; some iron roll doors could not be opened, and the cars could not be driven; some home appliance communication products were faulty; Taoyuan people complained that "Which is the power to stop today?" It has become a greeting at the meeting.

In 2014, it was promoted to Taoyuan, a municipality directly under the Central Government. In recent years, it has developed rapidly in recent years, with a large increase in population, and demand for power.The reasons proposed by Taipower include the escape of the feeder, as well as the touch of squirrels, birds, and snakes, and even the branches. The frequency is high. The reason is strange.

Experts: Due to insufficient power supply

Ye Zongzheng, a special professor of the Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science of Tsinghua University, believes that the main cause of the feedback line is "insufficient power supply". After the power limit crisis occurred on April 15th, Taipower did not hesitate to "lower blood pressure" to respond to electricity, which led to the public's family.The electrical appliances are damaged and the Taipower power supply system is affected, and Taoyuan will continue to stop power.

The Kuomintang and the People ’s Party who are in the wild attack that the“ 2025 non -nuclear home ”wrong energy policy of the Democratic Progressive Party of the ruling party has led to unstable power supply, and officials must honestly face the reality of power shortage.The Tsai Ing -wen government insisted that it was old wires and other issues.

Liang Qiyuan, a professor at the Central University Management Lecture and Researcher at the Taiwan Economic Development Research Center, pointed out to the United Zaobao that the government's high -level orally said that the transfer capacity ratio was 10%to 15%, and there was no shortage of electricity, but the Department of Energy Agency of the Ministry of Economic AffairsThe National Power Resources Supply and Demand Report released on the 21st shows: "This year's spare capacity ratio is only 10.2%. According to past information, the backup capacity ratio is 5%higher than the capacity rate rate. In other words, the real reserve capacity rate is only 5.2%. "

He said that in the past, the government announced the spare capacity and reserve capacity rate of electricity.Rate.

"In recent years, the government only announced the spare capacity ratio, and the capacity ratio of the reserve is not announced.

"Moreover, the government's preparation capacity rate refers to the day, not at night, there is the sun during the day. At present, the proportion of sunlight is high. After the sun goes down, 6%of electricity is gone."

Lianhe Zaobao asked the Taiwan Economic Affairs Department of the Department of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the National Power Resources Supply and Demand Report. As of Friday (May 17), the Energy Department's response was "your required information is still in the Chen nuclear."

After Cai Yingwen's administration in 2016, it is necessary to practice the "2025 non -nuclear home" ideal of the DPP, set the goal of achieving 20%renewable energy, 30%of the media, and 50%of natural gas in 2025.The factory is all removed.

However, as of 2023, the power purchase volume structure of Taipower was 34.1%, gas was 44.1%, nuclear energy was 7%, renewable energy was only 9.9%, and the goal of 20%of renewable energy was delayed.

The third nuclear energy plant No. 1 machine is scheduled to be divided in July this year, and the outside world is worried that Taiwan will lack electricity in summer.However, the Minister of Economic Minister Wang Meihua guarantees that there will be new units this year, and the power generation will exceed the No. 1 machine of the nuclear plant, and the power supply will not be a problem.

Liang Qiyuan questioned that the government's 2018 Planning Third Natural Gas Reception Station (referred to as the three -in -one) Datan No. 9 machine and No. 7 machine operation in June and August this year, but the three -receiving external push planDetermine for two and a half years, the two factories occupy 5.3%of the reserve capacity, and the preparation capacity of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2024 was only 5.2%. The deduction of 5.3%became negative.

He pointed out that the four -year assessment of the four -one and Taichung five -connection environment of Keelung Concorde has not passed for six years, which will inevitably affect the future power supply plan;How to supply power after the year?

The Energy Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs has no response.

The unstable financial situation of Taipower threatens the desk of clean energy

Furthermore, Taipower has been suffering from losses in recent years. Bloomberg reported earlier this year that Taipower's unstable financial situation is threatening Taiwan's clean energy ambitions, and it has also hurt Taiwan as the world's largest chip manufacturer manufacturing center.The vulnerability when conflicting with mainland China.The US Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan reminded that Taiwan ’s progress and speed of greatly adjusting the energy structure have been seriously backward, and it may affect industrial operation and Taiwan’ s security.

When the Cai Yingwen government promotes the "non -nuclear home" energy transformation policy, it has boasted that "no electricity price has not increased for ten years and will not be missing power."Li Yuanzhe, the former dean of the Central Academy of Sciences, has publicly criticized that the official so -called "net zero emissions 2050" goal is absolutely jumped, and the government's "policy is deceived."

President Lai Qingde, who was originally intended to be the candidate, and the chairman of Heduke Tong Zixian, threw the second and third nuclear energy plants in early May, and introduced the new OL3 (Olkloto nuclear power plant in FinlandThe idea of ​​nuclear power plants on the third machine caused resonance in the business community, but the green camps and anti -nuclear people were violently attacked.

Tong Zixian said that the ratio of coal, oil and natural gas power generation in Taiwan in 2023 was as high as 82%, and the ratio of low -carbon power generation was seriously backward.135, in the future, will be high carbon taxes, and the health of the people will pay a heavy price. The cost of power generation is high, and it will also hinder Taiwan's competitiveness.

When he was interviewed by the wind media, the bureaucratic bureaucratic bureaucratic Ministry of Economic Affairs only talked about good numbers when reporting the green energy policy. "In recent years, the transformation of green energy in Taiwan has been in the Great Leap Forward with the Communist Party.No news is reported. "

Lai Qingde has stated at the end of last year that if there is a way to solve the problem of nuclear energy safety and nuclear waste in the future, the government will not rule out the use of nuclear energy for security and no nuclear waste.Guo Zhihui, the former economic minister, also agreed that nuclear energy is clean energy. It is promised that after taking office, the energy policy is considered as soon as possible.

But the word "power shortage" is taboo in the DPP. The anti -nuclear DPP supervisory member Tian Qiuli and others have applied for automatic investigation of whether the security of the three nuclear power plants is complete."This god's masterpiece, to solve Taiwan's power shortage and take into account the goal of "net zero emissions in 2050", is a severe challenge to the Lai Qingde government in the future.

People in industrial electricity increases people who sigh all things must rise

"It has been rising long ago, and the electricity price has not yet risen. The ribs and chicken legs near our house have risen from 100 yuan (NT $, Same, S $ 4.40) to 120 yuan, 140 yuan!"/P>

Boss Lin, who sells snacks in Nanmen Market in Taipei City, told Lianhe Morning Post: "After the epidemic recovers, the price has been rising, and now the electricity price will rise again, and the price will only rise."

The owner of Chen Chen, who sells rice bowls in the new store in New Taipei City, also pointed out the price note posted on the door in the interview. "Last year, it had to be raised by 5 yuan because of inflation.I just wrote it.

From April 1st, Taiwan has comprehensively increased electricity prices, with an average increase of 11%. Minsheng's electricity consumption rose 5.6%and industrial electricity rose 12.7%.Taipower estimates that the household electricity consumption is 700 degrees (1 degree, that is, 1 kilowatt -hour), accounting for about 93%, reaching 12.5 million households.For more than 700 degrees, more than 102 yuan.

The electricity price bill will only be in June that the people really feel that the people have not yet emerged

The General Administration of the Taiwan Executive Yuan estimates that the rise in electricity prices will only affect the consumer price index (CPI) 0.187 percentage points, and the CPI throughout the year is 2.03%.The central bank's estimated increase in electricity prices will increase the annual increase rate of CPI this year by 0.27 percentage points.

The general response is that the impact of electricity prices has little impact on family, but enterprises and industrial electricity prices have risen sharply.

Liang Guoyuan, an honorary professor at the School of Science and Technology Management of Tsinghua University, pointed out to Lianhe Zaobao that the electricity price increased in April, and the bill will come out in June. The people's real feelings have not emerged.It is the newly edited industrial association this year. There are many assumptions that the economic structure and economic models reflected behind it. It must be analyzed by experts. It has a very complicated dynamic structure and time deferred. For exampleIf so, it may follow up.

他强调:“电力是最关键的部门,每个产业都需要用电,它牵涉的层面很广,主计总处此时应扩大调查样本,进行更精细的抽样, 因为这几个Month is a critical period. The rise in electricity prices is not the same as small, and rising prices will affect the central bank's monetary policy. Be careful. "

In 2008, the Ma Ying -jeou government was fully governed. In order to make up for the long -term frozen electricity price of the Chen Shui -bian government, based on the principle of user payment, the oil and electricity rose doubled.The electricity price increased slightly in 2018 slightly.Taipower undertakes the government's frozen power -raising decisions and has accumulated huge losses. Tsai Ing -wen has to face reality before he steps down.

Electricity price policy is a government responsible scholar: not allowed Taipower to bear

Professor Wu Denren, a professor at the Department of Economics of Central University, believes that although Taipower is a public enterprise, it still has to take care of the company's normal profits and has no responsibility to deal with the issue of Taiwan's CPI.To explain to the whole people clearly and budget, now the government has allocated budgets and increased electricity prices. Taipower is still losing money. At this time, the wrestling of the Legislative Yuan is more complicated."Any policy must pay the price, and the government's responsibility cannot be allowed to carry Taipower."

The Kuomintang and the People's Party believes that the wrong energy policy of the Cai Yingwen government has led to the loss of Taipower, and the disadvantages such as optoelectronics should not be passed on to the people to bear it.The Ministry of Economic Affairs adheres to the conclusions of the Electricity Price Review Committee, and once again pays two readings in the Wild Party to pay two readings of the electrical industry law amendment case.

Liang Qiyuan, a member of the Central University Management Lecture of Central University, who was responsible for the economic and energy of economic and energy in the Ma Ying -jeou government.

He said that when Ma Ying -jeou was in office, he was met with a financial tsunami at the beginning. The price of oil was adjusted from $ 30 to $ 145 per barrel. In addition, the Chen Shui -bian government's losses caused by freezing electricity prices. Ma Ying -jeou originally wanted to increase by 50%, and the result was 25%, I was scolded miserable, but fortunately, the price of oil fell."In 2015, the Malaysian government wanted to establish an electricity floating mechanism to make electricity prices adjust with international fuel prices and get rid of political considerations. However, the Cai government did not use the electricity price floating mechanism, and more than half of the officials in the Electricity Price Review Committee, and the policy was basically decided by the government."

Liang Qiyuan estimates according to the economic model that the direct impact of the electricity price adjustment on people's livelihood is okay, only 0.064%.Percent points, adding about 0.48 percentage points.

Analysis: The electricity price is expected to rise to solve the huge losses of Taipower

The Ministry of Economic Affairs said that the rise in international energy prices forced the government to increase electricity.Liang Qiyuan's analysis compares that improper energy transformation policies are the main causes.He estimates that the power structure is adjusted today. Even if the government has allocated 100 billion yuan to Taipower this year, the accumulated loss has reached at least 500 billion yuan, including the abolition of nuclear 4 and 283.8 billion yuan in debt has not yet been provided.

Liang Guoyuan reminded that the inflation rate in recent years is about 2%, but the actual salary growth last year was already negative."Relding electricity prices has a small impact on the science and technology industry with great prosperity in recent years, but it has a serious impact on other bitter industries.It is a big warning, showing that most people have lived worse and worse.