The Kuomintang think tank in Taiwan held a re -election of directors and supervisors on Friday (March 15) to accept the current legislators and implement the internalized goals of the chairman of the think tank and party chairman Zhu Lilun.

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan Liberty Times and the Central News Agency, after the Kuomintang think tank completed the re -election of the director and supervisor on Friday, he included nine directors, including Chen Jinghui, Wu Zongxian, Ge Rujun, Lin Qianqi, Weng Xiaoling, Wang Yumin and Chen Yongkang as the new election.He is renewed with Lindefu.The new supervisor is Wang Shengwei, the legislator Xu Yuzhen, the director of the Kuomintang Finance Office, and Wang Shengwei, who once served as the director of the traffic director of Shuangbei (Taipei City and New Taipei City).

Zhang Shanzheng, the mayor of Taoyuan, who concurrently served as the vice chairman of the think tank, was transferred as a consultant. Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan and Mayor of Keelung Xie Guoliang were no longer the director of the think tank.Participants revealed that they did not discuss whether the convener of each group of the Kuomintang think tanks on the same day was even more moved, but the vacancies left by Zhang Shanzheng's transfer of consultants will be remedied in follow -up.

Zhu Lilun wrote on Facebook on Friday afternoon that as the society changes rapidly, the Kuomintang think tank has reached a time when it is necessary to reform and transform.The goal is to allow think tanks to be sustainable.

He pointed out that in the internal construction part, the think tank must combine the opinions of the legislators and local governments.The topic, propose policies that meet the needs of the people.

For the reform of lightweight, Zhu Lilun said that the Kuomintang comprehensive view must accept more social resources and social forces, whether it is Taiwan or foreign think tanks., Also allowed the Kuomintang to face society and recover social forces.

As for youth, Zhu Lilun said that the Kuomintang will establish eight major policy collaboration platforms compared with the eight committees of the Legislative Yuan to connect with the Legislative Yuan and social issues to quickly change.

Zhu Lilun said that reform has never been an easy task. In this process, someone must be dressed as a black face to accept the external question and criticism.He is willing to play this role, as long as the Kuomintang can be better and sustainable, he can bear all the names.