The Taiwan Legislative Dean South Korea Yu was questioned and deliberately confiscated the legislature of the legislature when he hosted the hospital on Friday (March 15), and the DPP legislator asked South Korea to apologize.

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan Economic Daily China Times and Ling Media, South Korea ’s Yu hosted the Legislative Yuan Economic Team for inquiries on Friday afternoon and invited Chen Jianren, the president of the executive, to be questioned.

At 2:30 pm, at the beginning of the quality inquiries, because the first two legislators were temporarily changed to written inquiries, South Korea ’s Yu sang seven legislators such as the Kuomintang legislator Luo Mingcai in the rear, butThe seven legislators did not expect that the legislators were absent, and they were not seen as abstain from the scene.

According to the convention, the legislators that are arranged on the day of the question were usually present before the last legislator's inquiry.However, Luo Mingcai and others, including the next legislators who prepared to inquire, did not expect a legislator who was inquiring to be absent, and could not rush to the scene temporarily.

After the list of legislators who finished the name of South Korean Yu, it was announced that the hospital would rest at 2:38 pm.Many of the DPP legislators protested to South Korea, but they were not accepted by South Korean Yu. They only said that "Chen (Jianren) was worked hard and the members worked hard." Then he turned to leave the scene.

After seeing the ineffective protest, six DPP legislators Hongshenhan, Qiu Zhiwei, Guo Guowen, Lai Hui, Chen Guanting, Lin Chuyin held a press conference in the Legislative Yuan party and groups, criticizing South Korea ’s confiscation of legislators to ask for inquiries."Return me to inquire."

Hong Shenhan said that this is a ridiculous scene that the Legislative Yuan has never seen for more than 10 years. He was notified by the Proposal Office to arrive at the contest at 3 pm, but because Luo Ming did not arrive, he was skipped, and all day that day, all the day, all the day, all the day, all the day, and all the same day was all that day.The legislator's inquiry has been skipped.

But the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan party issued a statement saying that the Democratic Progressive Party legislators criticized South Korea ’s Yu in accordance with the rules of the discussion. It only showed that the DPP legislators were not ready to prepare and scolded for scolding.

The Democratic Progressive Party group issued a statement to restore the incident. It was stated that the hospital had received a written question from Chen Tingfei at 11.40 am, and it should be updated as soon as possible.However, the hospital updated the screen until 2:10 pm, and did not remind Luo Mingcai in time, which caused Luo Ming to not arrive in time.

Statement stated that in fact, Zhou Wanlai, the secretary -general of the Legislative Yuan, reminded South Korea Yu to take a break to avoid affecting the right to inquire with legislators.Guo Guowen, Lai Hui, Tu Quanji, Chen Guanting, and Lin Chuyin sang the name and confiscated the right to inquire about seven legislators.

Statement stated that it was hoped that South Korea Yu would respect the rights of legislators and convenes the opposition and field as soon as possible to seek and remedy the way.

In this regard, South Korea ’s Yu said that he was willing to assist in inviting the three party members to call for negotiation as soon as possible to seek proper treatment methods.