After the U.S. House of Representatives requires byte beating and stripping the TIKTOK bill, whether Taiwan will also ban Tiktok from attracting much attention in Taiwan.A spokesman for the Taiwan Executive Yuan responded that it would continue to pay attention to the legislative progress of the US Congress and comprehensively considering opinions from all walks of life.

According to Reuters, the US House of Representatives passed a bill on Wednesday (March 13) with an overwhelming vote, requiring the Chinese Internet giant byte to jump away from its short video platform TIKTOK within six months.Otherwise Tiktok will face a ban in the United States.

Comprehensive joint newspaper and freedom Times reported that in response to whether Taiwan will also follow up the question of banning Tiktok, a spokesman for the Taiwan Executive Yuan Lin Zilun said that it would ensure freedom of speech and continue to pay attention to the progress of the legislative progress of the US Capitol.Opinions from all walks of life.

Lin Zilun said: "The authoritarian state countries often use free and democratic countries' freedom of speech, such as through social networking and other platforms to manipulate democratic national elections and affect the election results.Some national cognitive combat platforms.

Earlier, Taiwan's Digital Department ordered the public sector to disable Tiktok on December 5, 2022.