Another over -overrun incident occurred outside the sea outside the Golden Gate, and the cross -strait joint search and rescue was jointly conjugated.related requirements.

Comprehensive Taiwan ETTODAY News Cloud, China Times and Central News Agency reported that a mainland fishing boat sank near Dongyu Island on Thursday (March 14).During the death, the other two were missing and are currently being searched.

Some Facebook page posted that the resident soldiers on Dongzheng Island refused to log in to search for the mainland army.Golden Gate Defense Command issued a press release to refute that the relevant news should be misunderstood, and the Ministry of Gold Defense did not directly receive any requests of the land side.First.

The Ministry of Gold Defense said that if the crew was rescued, they would take care of them properly and hand over the follow -up team to handle the follow -up.

The Taiwan Patrol Director Zhou Meiwu said in an inquiry in the Legislative Yuan on Thursday morning that the current mainland fishing vessels are located at 0.05 nautical miles southwest of the East East, leaving only the mast, and the hull has flipped below the water.In response to the two lost crew members, the Taiwan Strait Patrol Department sent a total of six vessels and asked the Ministry of Finance to support professional divers to search in the cabin.

In response to the Kuomintang legislator Wang Hongwei, if the wreckage of the hull is stranded on the Dongzheng Island, will the Taiwanese party agree that the mainland will board the ship search and save survival.The management unit should agree to the people of the land side to the scene, but "only ends on the sea", and it should not let Lu Fangzin Island.