Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the Taiwanese party, plans to open three cafes to sell beverages and hot foods, but the outside world has questioned this move that may violate political party law.A spokesman for the People's Party responded to this that the coffee shop would not be actively operated by political parties.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan Yiping News Network, ETTODAY News Cloud, etc., Ke Wenzhe said in an exclusive interview on Thursday (February 29) on the Internet program.Beitun and Kaohsiung Zuoying have the three highest votes. The "grass cafe" is opened.

He described this cafe as "supporters' settlement", which sells everything in it, and holds a Ke Wenzhe forum every month.Ke Wenzhe bluntly stated that if these three places must be successful, they can expand rapidly in the future.

Ke Wenzhe said that he believes that the DPP must cope with stronger opponents after four years. I don't know if it can be strong enough to win, but the total strength will definitely become stronger.Ke Wenzhe mentioned that he intends to be brave nominated in 2026. The eight seats of the eight seats on February 1, 2026 determined all the replacement, and the eight legislators that were subsequently supplemented will be trained in advance.

However, political party law is clearly determined that political parties are not allowed to operate or invest in profit, and Ke Wenzhe's idea of ​​opening the "small grass cafe" has caused external doubts.

A spokesman for the people party Li Dingli responded in the interview that Ke Wenzhe's original intention was to have a relatively soft stronghold in various districts to take into account people's needs.Essence

Li Dingli said that in terms of law, it is definitely not a party to operate a cafe, but through supporters or other peripheral forms.