The eight committees of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan held a convening member election on Thursday (February 29).The Kuomintang at the grassroots level rebounded strongly, and the people's party group did not assign the calling committee candidates. It also decided to support the Kuomintang calling committee. In the end, the Kuomintang and the DPP of the Democratic Progressive Party won eight seats.

The calling committee of the Student Council's permanent committees can determine the agenda of each committee. Because the number of legislators to be reviewed is huge, which proposal can give priority to review, and the calling committee of the leading of the examination of the examinations has become an important role.

The Democratic Progressive Party believes that although the people's party and the Kuomintang group did not cooperate in the form of politely calling the committee, the two parties stood on the same front and continued to stand on the opposite side of the public opinion of Taiwan, which helplessly united Taiwan.

Taiwan held the president and legislators election on January 13. Among the 113 legislators of the Legislative Yuan, there were 52 KMT (blue), 51 DPP (green), eight seats (white), and other party membership.The legislator Gao Jin Sumei and the Kuomintang legislator Chen Chaoming, currently suspended for the case.Gao Jin Sumei participated in the Kuomintang Group, and the Kuomintang Li made her a calling committee of the Internal Affairs Committee.

During the presidential election, "Blue and White" finally broke through the twists and turns.The party was able to obtain power by 40 % of the votes. .During the legislator election, Bai Ying also discussed cooperation with the green camp business , although although although although the green camp business cooperation matters Without a game, the blue camp at the grassroots level was full of hatred.

The Kuomintang Group held a three -day consensus camp in Hualien last week. The general call of the party and the party to Fu Kunzheng released room for cooperation to the people's party group, emphasizing opening up their mentality.Immediately reported that the Kuomintang group was proposed to give a call to the people to the party.

After the Kuomintang legislators, the incident was originally disagreeable. In particular, after the news of the Call of the Finance Commission's summoning committee to the people's party group, Huang Shanshan came out, the protest of the grassroots supporters exploded the Kuomintang legislators office, and some people threatened to say thatTo retire the party, forcing the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun to quickly emphasize that the incident has not been finalized.

Although Huang Shanshan has served as a member of Taipei for many years, she is just a new science legislator. She has a style of hawk in the process of "Blue and White". It is relatively friendly with the DPP relations.

Huang Guochang, the general party of the People's Party, emphasized that the reform is more important than the position. The opposition party can cooperate together to promote the Fortune of the Fuku and the People's Congress, and play the role of strong supervision of the ruling party.Candidate candidate.The Kuomintang also expressed gratitude to open a good interactive atmosphere for the two parties in the future.

The Democratic Progressive Party's general call Ke Jianming criticized that "blue and white cooperation" is a leather with tiger.Huang Guochang had a ruler in the hearts of the Taiwanese people. In the past, Ke Jianming's era of just covering the sky and the wind was over.