Mike Gallagher, chairman of the Chinese Commission of the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives in the United States on Thursday (February 22), led a group to visit Taiwan for three days and will be with Taiwan Cai Yingwen and the President Lai Qingde on Thursday.People meet.

The US Association (AIT) issued a press release on the official website on Thursday, confirming that the Garlagell led the group to visit Taiwan.

AIT said that the Chairman of the Chinese Commission of the House of Representatives and the Republican member of the Republican members of the House of Representatives, Gragel, led a group to visit Taiwan from February 22 to 24.One stop.Cross -party members, including Democratic Rajakrishnamoorthi and Seth Moulton, and Republican John Moolenaar and Dusty Johnson.

The delegation will meet with senior Taiwan leaders and members of civil society to discuss US -Taiwan relations, regional security, economic and trade investment, and other important issues.

The Taiwanese government spokesman Lin Yan Chan said on Thursday that the Presidential Palace sincerely welcomes Garlargers to lead cross -party members to visit Taiwan.The group meeting exchanged opinions on issues of issues in various fields such as Taiwan -US economy and trade, Indo -Pacific regional situation.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a press release on the official website on Thursday, announced that Gragel led the group to visit Taiwan.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that this is the first time that the committee has organized a delegation to visit Taiwan. The members include important members of the two parties and show the high consensus of the US Congress.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sincerely welcomed the five members of the lawmakers.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taiwan Taiwan, during the visiting group, he will meet with Taiwan, deputy Cai Yingwen, Lai Qingde (President's election), and Xiao Meiqin, the vice president of Taiwan, and accept the banquet of Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng, and TaiwanFang exchange opinions on important issues such as Taiwan -US relations and regional situations.

The Taiwan Foreign Ministry also said that this year coincides with the 45th anniversary of the legislation of Taiwan Relations, and friends from the US House of Representatives are meaningful.It is believed that this trip must further deepen the comprehensive partnership of the beauty of the Taiwan beauty, strengthen the close cooperation between the two parties in various fields around the world, and jointly defend the international order based on rules.

Garrats visited Taiwan for four days in February last year and met with Cai Yingwen and Lai Qingde.The Taiwan government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs later confirmed that Garrators visited Taiwan from February 17 to 20 last year.