Two Taiwanese net celebrities were directed and imprisoned by local fraud groups during the live broadcast of Western Port Cambodia. They were sentenced to two years in prison by local courts for inciting the creation of social turmoil.The Mainland China Embassy in Cambodia issued a statement on Tuesday (February 20) that mainland China requires Cambodia to deal with it in accordance with laws and regulations on the premise of ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, and reminds that Chinese compatriots in Cambodia must abide by local laws and regulations.

The Embassy in Mainland China in Cambodia said in a statement that the Cambodian Hanouk Provincial Government promptly report to the Consular Office of the Mainland Embassy in Cambodia in Cambodia.Under the premise of legitimate rights and interests, it is handled in accordance with laws and regulations.

The statement reminds that Chinese compatriots in Cambodia must abide by local laws and regulations, respect the local customs and habits, pay attention to personal words and deeds, and do not engage in illegal behavior. The Internet is not an outside law.

The statement also said that while the embassy continued to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the compatriots, including Taiwan compatriots, it would never protect illegal crimes involving Chinese people in Cambodia.

The Primary Court of Sihanouk Province ruled last Thursday that Taiwan ’s celebrities Chen Nengzheng and Lu Zuxian committed the crime of inciting manufacturing social turmoil and sentenced to two years in prison.Yuan) fine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan responded on the same day that neither the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Pavilion Office were not contacted to seek assistance. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs respected the investigation and trial of the Cambodian police and judicial units.