After the end of the Taiwan election, more than a month after the end of the Taiwan election, the Taiwan Central Election Commission (referred to as the Chinese Election Association) announced the campaign fee for the candidates for each group.NT $ 7.15 million), the Kuomintang and vice presidential candidates Hou Youyi and Zhao Shaokang were 180.13 million yuan, and the candidates of the people's party and vice president Ke Wenzhe and Wu Xinying were 1.10.71 million yuan.

Comprehensive Taiwan Freedom Times and the Central News Agency reported on Wednesday (February 21) that the latest meeting of the election meeting showed that according to the Taiwan Vice Presidential Election and Removal Law, the number of candidates for the elections of each group reached the votes.For more than one -third of those, the campaign fee shall be subsidized, and each vote is subsidized by 30 yuan.

The Chinese Election Association said that the number of votes for Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin was 5.586019 votes, and one -third of the number of votes was 1.86 million votes.When the number of votes is more than one -third of the number of votes, the campaign fee shall be subsidized by 30 yuan per vote, which will draw the subsidies of the above number.

The Chinese Election Association pointed out that the candidate campaign fee subsidy shall account for the amount of subsidy subsidies within 30 days from 30 days the day after the announcement of the elected person list, and notify the candidate to receive it within three months.

Regarding the subsidy of the political parties, the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior has allocated funds a year ago, with a total subsidy of 63.936 million yuan., Get 238.22 million yuan; the people's party received 15.23 million yuan.In the following three years, all three political parties will receive subsidies with the same amount as this year until the end of the 11th legislature.

If the subsidy funds and personal subsidies this year's three parties this year can be added, the DPP can get about 420 million yuan, the Kuomintang 380 million yuan, and the people's party 260 million yuan.