Japanese media reported that in order to prevent emergencies in the Taiwan Strait, the Japanese government and Kumamoto and Okinawa Prefecture negotiated to formulate the islander evacuation plan.

According to the Kyodo News Agency, the reporter learned on Monday (February 19) that the Japanese government and Kumamoto and Okinawa counties have begun to consultPlan for village evacuation residents.

There are about 1,000 residents in Duoliangya Village, consisting of Doriaho Island and Shuina Island.Relevant sources revealed that the heads of Duoliangjian Village and the Eight -generation cities participated in the consultation.

The consultation has been fully launched from late January. At present, it has been confirmed that the evacuation island residents arrived at Kagoshima Airport via the airway.Next, the plan will be formulated from the airport to the eighth -generation city. It is expected that the issue of providing food and water such as food and water to the islanders is expected.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), the Russian and Ukraine War was regarded by the Japanese government as a mirror of the Taiwan Strait crisis.Considering the urgent situation in Taiwan, last March, the Japanese government and Okinawa prefecture conducted exercises. The scope of the planned evacuation included five islands, including Ishigaki Island, in addition to 110,000 islands, and 10,000 tourists.

Japan's closest to Taiwan is the island of Natalum, which is about 110 kilometers apart.NHK reports that the islands with only 1700 people will face the risk of Taiwan's refugees.Japanese maritime security officials predict that if the Taiwan Strait broke out, hundreds of refugee vessels would come.The Chinese military may implement maritime blockade, but the number of ships is too large and cannot be stopped.