Mainland China has canceled the flight bias measures running from north to south from north to south from north to south.It is said that it is unhappy to see the step that needs to propose countermeasures.

The China Civil Aviation Administration announced on the evening of Tuesday (January 30) that the flight bias measures running from north to south from north to south from north to south will be canceled from February 1.The M503 will also be used to connect west to Fuzhou Fujian Fuzhou and Xiamen's W122 and W123 connection routes to operate from west to east to improve the operation efficiency of the aerial operation.

Since the M503 route is only 4.2 nautical miles (about 7.8 kilometers) from the Taiwan Strait midline, the Taiwan government and the academic community are worried.1465575 "rel = nofollow target = _blank> This move will significantly reduce Taiwan’ s air defense warning time .

Spokesperson Zhan Zhihong, a spokesman for the MAC, said at a routine press conference on Thursday that the land party was informing the decision of Taiwan through the contact window of the civil aviation department between the two parties while the announcement of the announcement.

He said that at this time, the Beijing side may be inconvenient to say that the civil aviation departments on both sides have a certain degree of opinions exchanged, but the civil aviation communication mechanism on both sides of the strait is continuous.

Zhan Zhihong emphasized that due to W122 and W123 connecting routes, the east -west routes between the two outlying islands Golden Gate and Matsu, which are neighboring Taiwan, have indeed flying safety risks.

Beijing has announced the opening of the M503 north and W121, W122, W123 routes from east to west in January 2018, which caused the Tsai Ing -wen government to be dissatisfiedThe Spring Festival overtime charter machine countermeasures.

At the press conference, some media asked Zhan Zhihong whether they would take countermeasures on the land.Zhan Zhihong said: "I don't think we are happy to see this step."

As for the specific flight status after the land adjustment of the route, Zhan Zhihong said in the answer to Lianhe Zaobao that he did not master the specific situation, but it is understood that the land side has not yet begun to use it. At presentOnly this route may adopt this route due to climatic factors.

Regarding Taiwan's doubt, the cancellation of M503 routes in the mainland will blur the mid -line of the Taiwan Strait.There is no so -called strait midline.

Zhan Zhihong said that most of the world's trade and transportation must pass through the area around the Taiwan Strait. Therefore, in recent years, countries have highly concerned whether the Taiwan Strait can maintain free international channels.He emphasized whether the Taiwan Strait has not been negotiated by cross -strait, but in the past half a century, there has been a buffer zone between the two sides of the strait, which can indeed be quite helpful to maintain peace and stability.

In addition, the Taiwan Affairs Office responded on Wednesday that crossing Taiwan's empty air balloons are mostly independent behaviors of private enterprises and are used for people's livelihood purposes such as meteorological monitoring.Zhan Zhihong questioned that from the path of these empty air balloons, he did not think that any private enterprises had such a large financial resources and could apply so many balloons. "I can't accept this lie."