Aiming at mainland China announced the cancellation of M503 routes west of flights to the west, and enabled the connection route from west to east.The party cancels unreasonable restrictions on cross -strait aviation transportation as soon as possible.

A spokesperson for Mainland China State Council Chen Binhua, on Wednesday (January 31), responded to the question that adjusted M503 routes at a routine press conference that M503 was a civilian route, located in the Shanghai Flying Intelligence Zone DistrictInside, the launch of the route is to alleviate the congestion of related airspace routes and ensure aviation safety.

He said that according to cross -strait air transport related arrangements, cross -strait airlines can arrange a total of no more than 890 passenger flights between 61 navigation sites in the mainland and 10 navigation points in Taiwan.The air in the air on both sides of the strait is greatly facilitated to exchanges between people on both sides of the strait, and play an important role in improving the common interests of people on both sides of the strait.

Chen Binhua said that at present, there are more than 500 passenger flights on cross -strait routes in 14 cities in mainland China, and more than 80,000 passengers are transported.Although cross -strait flights and transport volume have increased during the prevention and control of the epidemic, but due to the limited airpoints, there are still great inconveniences on both sides of the strait. The people of Taiwan are eagerly looking forward to the entire direct flights on both sides of the strait as soon as possible.

He called on the DPP to cancel the unreasonable restrictions on cross -strait air transport as soon as possible to meet the travel needs of people on both sides of the strait, especially the people of Taiwan.

The Civil Aviation Administration of Mainland China announced on Tuesday (January 30) that it will cancel the flight bias from north to south from north to south from the west side of the Taiwan Strait Middle Line on the west side of the Taiwan Strait.W123 flight from west to east, is considered to be blurred by the Taiwan Strait midline, and further squeezed Taiwan's air defense warning time.The Taiwan MAC protests the mainland to change the current situation of the Taiwan Strait.