The Taiwan Legislative Yuan was re -elected and vice president on Thursday (February 1). As a key minority, the party Legislative Yuan of the People's Party Legislative Yuan decided to recommend the legislator Huang Shanshan to the Legislative Dean.If the three parties of the court and the opposition are adhered to the stance and voted to the candidates of their own party, the largest party members of the Wild Party and the Kuomintang are not divided into the legislators, South Korea Yu, who is elected as the Legislative Dean.

President's elected person and chairman of the DPP Lai Qingde on Wednesday (January 31) in the afternoon that the election of the Legislative Yuan formed a three -party party for three parties.Ability also assumes the responsibility of choosing good people, supporting the right policies, and continuous progress in Taiwan.He called on the people's party to understand the needs of social development and make the most correct decisions.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun often shouted to Lai Qingde. The DPP will push Taiwan's democratic politics to the dark side, or go to a new era, and tomorrow is a critical moment.If the Democratic Progressive Party uses judicial oppression, political interests, or collusion with power to chaos the Legislative President's election, it is to let Taiwan enter the darkest side.

The Legislative Yuan has a total of 113 legislators. In the January election, the Kuomintang (blue) won 52 seats, the DPP (green) 51 seats, 8 seats (white) of the people, and two seats without party

Mastering the key minority party, as long as they are not voted for the current DPP Legislative President You Xizheng, the first round of voting the three parties did not get too half the number, and they entered the second round of voting.The people's party group announced on Wednesday that Huang Shanshan was elected to the Legislative Dean.

The move of the people party is regarded as "sending Korea Yu".Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the people, said, "We vote directly (Korean Yu), isn't it even more small?" The party has made a decision.How to deal with it, the people's party is the third forces in Taiwan. They do not want to be Xiaolan nor Xiaolu, and they make this decision.

Ke Wenzhe emphasized that the eight legislators of the People's Party will make a ticket, and the group will enter the group.The party's eight -seat legislators are not partitions. If they are expelled from the party, they will immediately lose their qualifications for legislators.

During the election, Lai Qingde actively called for voters to vote for party votes to the DPP, hindering that South Korea ’s Yu was elected to the Legislative Dean.

The people's party group has decided to promote Huang Shanshan to run for the Legislative Dean. The outside world pays attention to whether the DPP Legislative Yuan party group has changed the votes to Huang Shanshan and blocks Korean Yu from winning the Legislative Dean.

The DPP's Legislative Council Party General calls Ke Jianming directly calling, "How is this?" He emphasized that the DPP group was to support You Xizheng and the vice president of the Legislative Yuan Cai Qichang, and he would not lose his position and principles for the support of others.

In order to fight for re -election, You Xizhen actively cooperated with the needs of the people's party, but was scolded by the green camp to "love the stack power"; while Ke Jianming has always resigned from the people's party, and reprimanded the people's party legislators as "useless eight seats."

Ke Jianming pointed out that he had said that the party might vote for himself from the beginning, that is, to protect South Korea ’s Yu, which is a mood and sinking together.

He accused the people of the people accusing the party during this time just making voices. Ke Wenzhe and the party legislator Huang Guochang and Huang Shanshan said they were deceiving and deceiving. "How can we be stupid enough to accompany him to perform?"

In the past two weeks, there have been rumors that the DPP will release resources and use judicial means to attract the Kuomintang legislators. It is also very arrogant that Lai Qingde's desire to extend the people's parties to step on the legislators.

The Kuomintang has sacrificed the strictest party discipline, emphasizing that no running tickets are allowed.Hong Mengkai, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan, said that they have group legislators, voting in and out of each group with different votes to facilitate statistics.

The Kuomintang said that all members of the party will be united and brighter, and firmly support the candidates of South Korea ’s Yu and deputy dean Jiang Qichen. In the wild force, they must unite to become the strongest supervision forces and counter the DPP.