After the President of the President of Taiwan, Lai Qingde, the chairman of the DPP, won in the Taiwan election on January 13. After two days of the South Pacific Island Naulu, he announced his break of diplomatic relations with Taiwan and resumed diplomatic relations with mainland China.

Beijing used to dig a corner of Taiwan to release the warning signal to Taipei for the same years. After the victory of Lai Qingde, Taiwan lost AIA, and it must be in the sand table in the United States.It is believed that Naulu announced that Naulu was acknowledging that she acknowledged that the Government of the People's Republic of China was acknowledgedIn the statement , citing the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly No. 2758, becoming the first case in Taiwan's original state diplomatic country to change diplomatic recognition.

Nauru said in a disconnected statement that in accordance with the resolution of the 2758 United University, the government of the People's Republic of China was recognized as the only legal government representing the whole China. Taiwan is an inseparable part of the Chinese territory.

The United States Association, President of Taiwan (AIT), who accompanied the American cross -party delegation to Taiwan after the election in Taiwan, was selected.From time to time, Leda 2758 resolution was interpreted .

The Chairman of the US Association (AIT) Laura Rosenberger (right) was accompanied by Speaker Ed Dunn on Tuesday (January 16) to hold a press conference in Taipei in TaipeiResponsible for the issue of disconnecting friends with Taiwan.(Reuters)

Rosenberg emphasized the "three no": The UNU 2758 resolution did not determine Taiwan's status, did not rule out that any country's establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan did not exclude Taiwan's meaningful participation in the United Nations system.She said: "Using the narrative of the UN General Assembly No. 2758 to pressure Taiwan, it is disappointing to restrict their voices and diplomatic relations on the international stage."

Taiwan reported that Nauru quoted the decision to break the diplomatic relations with Taiwan No. 2758. It was Beijing's first shot on Taiwan ’s“ Opening the United University ’s 2758 resolution.”It is reported that this approach is equivalent to the field of "misinterpreting and expanding the connotation of the UN General Assembly 2758 resolution in recent years, and the participation of international organizations is disputed to expand to diplomatic acknowledge between the country and the country."

Liu Jianchao, Minister of the CPC Central Committee, January 9thIn a speech, the committee said that China is the beneficiary of the current international order and does not seek to change the current international order.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning responded to the Chinese media questions at a regular press conference on the 16th that the resolution of No. 2758 adopted by the United Nations Conference clarified that there is no "two China" in the world.Challenging a Chinese principle is to challenge international order.

Liu Jianchao, Minister of the CPC Central Committee, met with the Minister of Foreign Liaison Department of the CPC and met with the US Secretary of State Brosky on January 12.Liu Jianchao led the CCP delegation to visit the United States from January 8th to 13th, respectively, Fenna, Chief Assistant, Chief Assistant to the President of the United States, the Federal Members of the Democratic Republican Party, Brigain, San Francisco City Mayor, and US Finance., Industry and Commerce, Think Tanks, and Media Careers met with each other, attended a special discussion under the framework of the 1.5 -rail dialogue between China and the United States, and delivered a speech at the US Foreign Relations Committee.(Xinhua News Agency)

Lu Yizhong, deputy dean of the School of International Affairs of Taiwan Politburo, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that from the speech judgment from Liu Jianchao and Mao Ning, Beijing promised to consolidate the existing international order, but it also emphasized that "the Chinese principle is stuffed with the Chinese principle.Enter this existing international order. "

Lu industry judged that if Lai Qingde officially ushered in the "broken tide" after official work on May 20, mainland China will continue to ask Taiwan to quote the resolution of No. 2758 of the United Nations University, and use the state construction to strengthen the statement of Beijing.Principles are stuffed into the existing international order, and at the same time, it is the basis for the following in the international field that may be in the international field.Lu Ye said, "This is a relatively large change." In the past, Beijing only quoted the UNU 2758 resolution when he applied to join the United Nations or related systems in Taiwan.

UNU 2758 decided to pass the voting at the UN General Assembly on October 25, 1971.The decision decision: The representative of the People's Republic of China government is the only legal representative organized by China in the United Nations. The People's Republic of China is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council.It is the sole legal representative of China in the United Nations organization, and immediately expels Chiang Kai -shek's representative from the seats illegally occupied by it in the United Nations organization and all its institutions.

In 2008, the Kuomintang Ma Ying -jeou was in power. Because of the recognition of the core meaning of the "1992 Consensus" of the same belonging to the same middle school, Beijing was responded to Beijing.Conference (WHA).The World Health Conference is a decision -making agency of the World Health Organization of the United Nations.After the DPP, who refused to recognize the 1992 Consensus, took power in 2016, Taiwan will not be invited the next year.

In order to promote Taiwan's participation in the United Nations affairs, the US Biden government has actively spoke in recent years, and aims to break the discussion of Beijing's UNFA 2758 resolutions and its "One China Principles".

U.S. Secretary of State Broskens issued a statement on October 26, 2021, encouraging all United Nations member states and the United States to support Taiwan to participate in the United Nations systems and international communities. It is the most iconic statement in the United States to promote Taiwan's participation in the United Nations affairs.Brinken said, "Taiwan's meaningful participation in the United Nations system is not a political issue, but a pragmatic issue."

Then, Bonnie Glaser, Director of the Indo -Pacific Project of Washington, Germany, and Jessica Drun, a researcher at the Atlantic Council of the U.S. Think Tank Atlantic Council, issued a report in March 2022, saying that Beijing was distorted by distortions.The UNU 2758 resolves restrict Taiwan's participation in the United Nations.

Ge Laiyi said that when the UN General Assembly passed the resolution of No. 2758 in 1971, he only gave the Republic of China at the UN General Assembly and Security Council to the People's Republic of China.The decision has been confirmed that Taiwan is a province in China.<<<

Beijing insists that the "China" in the resolution of the 2758 United University refers to all Chinese territories including Taiwan.2021 is the 50th anniversary of the United Nations' power to change the power of China. When the United University 2758 decided to become a issue of wrestling in China and the United States that year, the Xinhua News Agency commented that the UNU 2758 did not mention Taiwan.The issue of the whole China, including Taiwan, at the time on both sides of the Taiwan Strait advocated that there was only one China in the world, which was also the common cognition of the international community. At the same time, Beijing has also adhered to Taiwan as part of Chinese territory based on legal documents such as Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Announcement for a long time.Beijing also released a Taiwan issue in August 2022 that the UNU 2758 resolutions were "political documents that reflect a Chinese principle."

The United States has moved in the past six months, trying to promote broadening Taiwan's international space.In July 2023, the House of Representatives passed the "Taiwan International Unity Act" and was called Lian University 2758 resolutions. It only dealt with the issue of China's representative power and did not involve Taiwan.On January 12, 2024, the House of Representatives passed the "not discriminating against the Taiwan Act" and called on the US government to support Taiwan to join the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and participate in the IMF's regular regulatory activities on Taiwan's economic and financial policies.

Scholars: IMF or Taiwan's participating in the United Nations special agency breakthroughs

Lu Ye's analysis pointed out that the United States actively speaks on how to interpret the resolution of the United Nations University 2758 for Taiwan. Politics is strong, but it is not helpful to the essence of Taiwan's participation in the United Nations Conference, because the UN General Assembly is extremely sovereignty symbolic.It is bound to face the huge resistance of Beijing.However, the United States can help Taiwan participate in the special agencies of the United Nations, and the IMF may be a breakthrough.

Lu Ye said that the IMF is not one country. The US voting weight in the IMF is 16.5%. It can veto major issues in one vote and has great influence."In addition, the president of the IMF usually comes from countries that respect Western values. It depends on whether the United States and European countries can think about so that Taiwan can substantially participate in the IMF."