Huang Shanshan, director of the election director of the Taiwanese party presidential candidate Ke Wenzhe, said that she refused to sign the polls of the people representing the people of the people to participate in the blue and white consultation.

Comprehensive Taiwan Freedom Times and Zhongshi News reported that Huang Shanshan, who had served as deputy mayor during the period during Ke Wenzhe as the mayor of Taipei, was on Saturday (November 18) Lai Xiangling, a candidate for the party legislators of the Taoyuan City of the People.At the momentum, the blue and white process had made her sleep for three days, and said that "no one intentionally don't meet."

Huang Shanshan explained that she refused to sign the signed by the experts representing the party's participation in the negotiation, because the signing was equivalent to signing a seller.If you don't agree, you can't swallow it. "

Due to the scope of the error of polls, the "blue and white" again stuck, and the presidential candidate of the wild party was unreasonable.Both sides said that the blue and white harmony did not break the situation and will continue the party negotiation, but whether it can eventually play the election campaign and add new variables.

According to a press conference of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation on Saturday morning, the three experts rated the nine polls. The representative of the people's party Guan Zhiyu questioned the credibility of three of them and temporarily shelved.The remaining six copies were calculated based on the divided blue and white consensus in the statistical error. Hou Ke paired with Ke Hou and led five to one.

The CEO of the Foundation, Xiao Xucen, said at a press conference that Ma Ying -jeou told Ke Wenzhe when he witnessed the negotiation that the statistical error was 3%positive and negative, which means 6%.However, the representative of the people's party insisted that Ke Wenzhe should be calculated by the 3%error that has always been claimed. Hou Ke paired with Ke Hou, and should be tied for three to three.

Ke Wenzhe insisted in the temporary press conference at the campaign headquarters that he agreed to concessions in the polls 3%, but the Kuomintang asked him 6%, "it is equivalent to asking us to abandon the weapon to surrender, which is where this is where we surrender. Where is this?There is a way, it is difficult for people to be too strong. "" Even if you win Ke Wenzhe, the final election can't win. "

Huang Shanshan said: "If a candidate depends on 6 % to win, it is doubtful how to fight the presidential election? How to fight against the DPP?"

Huang Shanshan emphasizedShe refused to let poll experts sign, because the standards proposed by the Ke camp should be tied.Before "the righteousness of the country", she had no personal good and evil, and her attitude was very clear. She did what to do. The problem was not in Ke Wenzhe, but "how can you make you not make enough."

She also said that the people's party will maintain goodwill and hopes to continue to negotiate well under the premise of "national righteousness". If you want to cooperate in blue and white, and in the future, you will have a joint government.Essence