When Yang Lihua, deputy director of the Shanghai Taiwan Office, received a visiting group from Hong Kong, commented on the election of Taiwan next year. It is believed that who can go to Taiwan in Taiwan can deal with it, and said that the DPP candidate Lai Qingde may be more on stage.Failure to speed up unity.

According to the Hong Kong Ming Pao Monday (November 20), Yang Lihua recently received a visit to the Hong Kong youth group "that is," to introduce the development of Shanghai.

For the election of Taiwan, Yang Lihua believes that it doesn't matter who is elected, "We take our way", not to be afraid of him, who can deal with it.Infinite, "We must not find a chance to unify, you have to do the" Taiwan independence ", and there will be a chance."

Yang Lihua said that if the Kuomintang came to power, it can delay the unified process. "Let's have a few years of development", and the mainland will be stronger at that time.

It is reported that when former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou visited the mainland this year, Yang Lihua accompanied Song Tao and Song Tao, the director of the Mainland State Council.Yang Lihua quoted Ma Ying -jeou during his visit to land and once sighed: "I'm late, I should come to the mainland early."

Yang Lihua also recalled that when Ma Ying -jeou was in power, all the issues in the mainland could almost talk about it."General Secretary Xi is very open, as long as we admit that under the framework of the" China Principles ", everything can be talked about."

Yang Lihua also said that many Taiwanese have not been to the mainland. He quoted statistics that two -thirds of Taiwanese have never set foot on the mainland, and many Taiwanese do not know the mainland.For example, he said that a Taiwanese name was earlier saying that "the mainlanders are so poor that they can't even afford tea and eggs." Yang Lihua believes, "Even those who say this do not believe it."

In addition, during the crown disease epidemic, the number of Taiwanese enterprises in Shanghai still increased.For example, Yang Lihua said that last year and the previous year, about 700 Taiwanese enterprises have been added, and 940 have been increased in the first three quarters of this year.As of this year, it has been registered in Shanghai and Taiwan companies to reach 19,400, of which 13 are listed Taiwanese companies.

The report also quoted mainland Chinese officials responsible for work in Taiwan that the current propaganda work of the mainland to Taiwan can only be "propaganda" through the Hong Kong media. "The identity is easy to be accepted. "