On September 18, local time, the House of Representatives of the United States Congress opened two groups of meetings to hype "Chinese Threat", advocating to increase national defense budgets and prepare for the next war.During the period, Campbell, Executive Deputy Secretary of State of the United States, even claimed that China was the "biggest challenge in history" in the United States. "Compared with the military and technology challenges brought by China, the Cold War seemed dwarfed."

According to Reuters, Agence France -Presse, and Hong Kong South China Morning Post, Campbell made the above statements at the "Indo -Pacific Power Competition" group meeting held by the House of Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives on the same day.

The Chairman of the House of Republican Commission of the House of Representatives Michael McCord, chairman of the Commission of Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, raised the door to define the competition between China and the United States as the contest of the "military strength or economic dominance, as well as the influence of the 21st century and the world worldwide and the world.Controversy of the rules of power balance. "

He fired the "Chinese threat", claiming that China "directly threatened" for the security interests of the United States and allies.

Campbell echoed McCord's speech, saying that McCord's above discussion was "absolutely correct", and at the same time, he "buckled high hats" to China.

"We realize that this is the most significant challenge in our history," Campbell immediately said, "Frankly speaking, compared with many aspects of challenges in China, the Cold War seemed dwarfed." He continued to claim: "This is not just a military challenge, but a comprehensive challenge, exist in the south of the world, and in the technical field.

He emphasized the importance of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and other allies, and pointed out that the "main area of ​​competition is technology" in China and the United States, including artificial intelligence , Quantum computing and other fields.He advocates that the government and Congress should create incentives for related fields, while preventing some key capabilities from entering the country that compete with the United States.

When talking about military competition, Campbell said that the two parties need to keep their attention to China and accelerate the speed of US Navy shipbuilding and the ability of US defense manufacturing bases.He said, "This is a naval era." Increasing the production speed of US warships should be the primary task of the next 10 years.

Campbell defended the scientific transfer of technical transfer between members of AUKUS (the United States and Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, and Australia.-> Plan for discussion for security cooperation.According to him, the US President Biden will publish a "major statement" involving the "Tracking illegal Fishing Boat Fleet" on Saturday (21st) summit on Saturday (21st).

Campbell claims that for the United States, "Chinese threats have surpassed the Cold War"

At the Military Commission of the House of Representatives held on the same day, the two -party members further rendered the "Chinese military threat" and urged the Congress and the federal government to increase the national defense budget, improve the security and procurement efficiency of the Pentagon, and actively prepare for the battle.

Democratic Parliament, Jane Harman, said at the meeting: "We agree that the national defense strategy has been severely outdated." In late July, a report by Harman warned that the United States needed a larger scaleThe army came to deal with threats from countries such as China and Russia.The report also called for a thorough reform of the American industrial foundation, established a closer relationship with the allies, and adopted the "whole government" cross -departmental defense strategy.

Eric Edelman, who had served as the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense during the Bush administration, declared that "war may occur in the near future, and it is difficult to imagine that this will not be a global war."He also said that the United States "may lose such a conflict."

The South China Morning Post mentioned that the committee suggested that the United States increases national defense expenses, saying that the proportion of national defense expenditures in GDP is at the lowest point since World War II.However, there are differences in this internationally, and many members believe that increasing spending does not solve many inefficient problems in the defense system.

In recent years, the United States has continued to rise during the hype of "Chinese threats". Some US officials have started Asia Pacific Reconn the "Cold War" theory.In this regard, China has firmly expressed its position.

Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pointed out that China is committed to maintaining world peace and stability, not engaged in geopolitical competition, and unintentionally challenged to threaten any country.The situation of peaceful cooperation in Asia -Pacific and stable and prosperity benefits from the joint efforts of regional countries.Asia -Pacific does not welcome the Cold War thinking and camp confrontation.Mao Ning emphasized that China has resolutely opposed the practice of holding the Cold War and engaging in the politics of small groups, and resolutely opposed the words and deeds of manufacturing and intensifying contradictions, and harming the strategic security and interests of other countries.

【Text/Observer Network Qi Qian】