The fraud cases in Singapore and Hong Kong have risen year after year. In the first half of this year, the two places lost more than 1.1 billion yuan due to fraud.The police forces of the two sides found that the type of fraud cases was almost similar, so recently cooperated together, The anti -fraud series short videos adapted from the case, passing effective information to the public, and combating fraud.

There are many similarities between the two places in Xingang, both of which are densely populated international metropolis, transportation hubs and financial centers.Over the past years, the two places have a competitive relationship in multiple fields, often compared with people, and are described as the modern version of the Shuangchengji.The gain of a city is often regarded as the loss of another city.The thinking of zero -sum game limits the space for cooperation between the two places.Of course, this is not all relations between the two places.

With the intensification of geopolitical contradictions between China and the United States, the re -deployment of the supply chain after the crown disease, and the changes in the internal situation of Hong Kong, Hong Kong in mainland China strengthens its relationship with Southeast Asian countries, bringing new new Hong Kong deepening cooperation to new cooperation.Opportunity.

The two places in Xingang face common urban governance issues, including public health, housing, transportation, and public security.In November 2022, the Minister of Health Wang Yikang pointed out at the first "Hong Kong -Asian Security Summit" hosted by the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong that the supply chain, production capacity, market and people between the world and cities are closely linked.New port relations must be analyzed through this perspective.

He takes the crown disease epidemic as an example that it has a serious impact on the economic survival of the two places and the image of international cities.But the two places cooperate together to restore urban vitality.During this period, the operation of Xingang maintained the port, and the trade volume of bilateral items increased by 24%.

Wang Yikang said that during the crisis of the crown disease, the two parties in the New Port realized that the two sides held common views on maintaining a global economic and international financial system.As an international city, New Port is likely to be first attacked by the new variant virus. How to deal with the two places will become an important reference in other parts of the world.

On the other hand, the geopolitical contradictions between China and the United States have intensified, shaking Hong Kong's position as a Chinese portal.The United States and European countries' economic sanctions and technology blockade have led to the evacuation of some foreign companies or investments in China.The slowdown in China's economic growth has caused the economic and capital market in Hong Kong.Reports of funds and talent outflow further crack down on investors' investment emotions.

In June 2020, China implemented the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District in Hong Kong.The United States has announced sanctions on Hong Kong and Beijing officials, including the then Secretary of the Security Agency and Li Jiachao, who is currently the chief executive of Hong Kong.In March of last year, the Hong Kong Magazine implemented the national security regulations commonly known as Article 23, which once again caused response from European and American countries.Recently, the House of Representatives of the United States Passing the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Certification Act may be forced to close in three Hong Kong economic and trade offices in the United States.

Some comments believe that if the United States closes the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, it will play a "butterfly effect" for the Alliance Congress. It is likely to follow the trend. Hong Kong will lose its separate tariff status, which is no different from the status of other cities in China.This will have a huge impact on Hong Kong's international finance, trade, and shipping center status.

Facing the pressure of European and American countries, Hong Kong actively strengthened economic and trade relations with Southeast Asia and the Middle East.Last year, Li Jiachao led a delegation to visit Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia; in July this year, he led a delegation to visit Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.During the visit to Singapore, the two places signed seven memorandums of understanding to strengthen cooperation in promoting business exchanges, fintech, innovation and entrepreneurship, carbonization, and research and development.

At the "Hong Kong -Asian Security Summit" this year, Li Jiachao vowed to do his best to expand cooperation with the Asianan country and strengthen support for trade multilateralism.He pointed out that Hong Kong will open the economic and trade offices in Kuala Lumpur.This is the fourth economic and trade offices opened in Hong Kong in the Asianan country, and three of the other three in Singapore, Bangkok and Jakarta.

Li Jiachao pointed out that Hong Kong actively strives to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) and expressed enthusiasm to help the Ya'an State in the Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Greater Bay Area and Belt and Road projects to explore investment opportunities.

Hong Kong's strengthening of economic and trade relations with Southeast Asia will help the Greater China and the Asians' countries, and consolidate its position as a Chinese portal.In the context of the continued deterioration of Sino -US relations, Greater China has a certain strategic significance for strengthening economic and trade relations with the Asianan country.On the other hand, strengthening cooperation in Xingang will help ensure that Singapore's global supply chain layout in rapid changes will continue to occupy a place, and to consolidate Singapore's role as a bridge from East and the West.