Source: Bloomberg

Some allies in Ukraine have begun to explore how to end the war against Russia's invasion, but some other Western countries are worried that this effort may force Kiev to accept immature ceasefire.

People familiar with the identity revealed that officials began to consider how to end the conflict through negotiations while discussing the strategy of next year and how to achieve a break.

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People familiar with the matter clearly stated that any negotiation decision will be made by Ukraine, and no one will put pressure on Zelleiski.They also said that the president said firmly that the territory was unfair to Russia in both publicity and privately.People familiar with the matter believe that there are no signs that Russia retreats on the purpose they want to achieve, so the prospect of substantial negotiations is still far away.

At the same time, the war is about to enter another cold winter, and it is difficult for both the war to make breakthroughs on the sand field.Forced by the situation, some allies officials began to explore the possibility of breaking the deadlock through diplomatic channels.

Although the Urpical raid against the Russian Kurusk states broke the concept of people's stalemate but is conducive to Moscow's advantage, Ukraine's recent prospects for the Russian army out of the occupation zone are not optimistic, and some allies are also allies.Unclear long -term strategic purpose of Kiev's active attack.It is difficult for Russia to make breakthroughs in ground combat, but its missiles destroy a large part of Ukraine's energy infrastructure, and triggers how to survive Ukraine to survive winter.

A key problem that must be resolved in the suspension negotiations is how to ensure that Ukraine will not be attacked by Russia in the future, and also allows allies to rest assured that it will not drag it into the direct conflict with the Kremlin.The second concern is the main reason why some allies so far allowed to use the long -range weapons provided in Russia and quickly let Ukraine join NATO attitude.

The German Chancellor Tsutz told the second station of Germany on Sunday that it was time to discuss how to withdraw from the war faster.He is one of the Western leaders who resist the remote missiles to Ukraine.

The people of Ukraine strongly oppose the cut of land.A poll issued by the Institute of International Scholars in July of the Institute of International Social Science shows that the proportion of dislikes is as high as 55%.However, as part of the agreement, Ukraine was allowed to join NATO and the European Union, and resolutely opposed the abandonment of the territory to fall to 38%.