
The government announced in 2022 to strengthen the general blueprint for disabled services in 2030, and set up two working groups to study how to promote tolerance employment and assist adult disabled people to live in the community.The two groups issued reports and suggestions on September 16.All suggestions are also accepted by the government and will be gradually implemented.

As the name suggests, the two groups have studied and explored how to increase employment opportunities of the disabled, assist them through lifelong learning, master new skills, adapt to new economic situations, and contribute to society.At the same time, for those who have greater autonomy and self -care, they must try to assist them in living independently in the community and become a member of the community.There is no doubt that both are very challenging.

To assist the disabled for employment, we must first ensure that they get appropriate training and master certain skills.In this regard, because the educational facilities set up for special children over the years have become more complete. Except for high -profile obstacles, those who have reached the age of 18 have some skills that can be used in the workplace.

To increase employment opportunities of the disabled, we must also have enough tolerant employers.This requires employers to change the stereotypes or prejudice to the disabled.After all, the disabled people are different, and they also have different working ability, which can adapt to many tasks.For example, some physical disability can actually work at home to solve the problem of inconvenience.Therefore, more employers should open the door for them.This is tolerance rather than pity.Of course, enterprises are not charity and must seek for survival in a fiercely competitive business environment.When discussing and quotient, when they are required to hire more disabled people, they cannot ignore the challenges.

It is gratifying that the employment rate of Singapore's disabled residents has increased steadily in the past few years, although the progress is not fast.The ratio increased from 28.2%in 2018/19 to 32.7%in 2022/23 years. The government's goal was to reach 40%by 2030, that is, it is necessary to find a job for another 4,500 people.At present, more than 7,000 companies have hired 16,000 disabled people, of which about 80 % of them are hired.The government's goal was to increase employers who hired disabled people to increase to 10,000 in 2030.

The group pointed out that although more employers have taken the first step, some of them stop hiring based on various reasons; some disabled employees may also face problems, so the employer must strengthen the ability to perform tolerance employment, so that enterprises can be long -term canAnd more disabled persons are hired.Singapore assists the disabled for its own bureau (referred to as the new co -coefficient) for this purpose, that is, catering, retail, medical and social services, information and communications, transportation and warehousing, and financial and insurance services to cultivate tolerance employment advocates,Encourage more employers to respond to the ranks of joining the employment disabled.

The challenges of the people who want to disabled in the community must have a greater or more complicated challenge. The details of the plan have not yet been finalized, but I believe that to create such a living environment, there must be relatively complete supporting facilities and services.At the same time, community residents must be able to accept their parts as a large family, rather than vote for strange eyes, or even rejection.

It must be said that to this day, the acceptance of the social disabled is not enough.Not long ago, Singaporean, which returned from the Paris Paralympic Games, did not forget to make an appeal to ask the Chinese to be more tolerant of the disabled and not discriminate against them.They cited some examples of personal experience in life, including some bus chiefs and privately calling drivers who were impatient to getting on and off. Some restaurants did not allow them to bring blind dogs. Many bus passengers were dissatisfied with the disabled.Dogs get on the car.These residuals of the Olympic Olympic gathers expressed their hearts and expressed their frustration.Indeed, it is not easy to change the prejudice and discrimination mentality of the average person to the disabled. We must continue to increase the efforts of publicity in this regard.

The disabled is a small group, including physical, sensory, intellectual disability, and autism patients.Official estimates that among the students' population, the disabled accounts for about 2.1%, the ages of 18 to 49 are about 3.4%, and the age of 50 is 13.3%.The problems faced by this group are multi -faceted, including education, skills training, employment and leisure activities.In order to build a more inclusive society, the government is trying to assist this group from all aspects, so as to allow them to live as appropriate support and dignified life as much as possible.Society must also cooperate as a whole to eliminate prejudices and work hard to achieve this lofty social goal.