According to the news of Taiwan media, Taiwan representatives in the United States, Yu Da? Buy various high -priced products in the name of official duties, and spend 8 million yuan (NT $ 33,3792) for half a year.Big? A response on Tuesday (June 25) said that the repair officer added furniture for the facade of Taiwan. There is no opportunity to check the private daily consumables, and there are absolutely 8 million. This is a malicious allegations.

According to the United Daily report, Yu Da? A press conference in Washington in the afternoon of that afternoon responded that in response to the slander between him and his wife's personal and personality, he could not accept it. He must stand up to defend his reputationI also hope that the Taiwan side is clear.

Yu Da said that the official residence has two records of receiving guests. As a new ambassador, he needs to adjust appropriately as the official residence of Taiwan. This is a consideration at work.Spend.However, the report uses a paper file to reflect the exaggerated data. 8 million yuan is basically an astronomical figure. There is no such thing.

Yu Da said that he used a discount towel and replaced the bed and sofa for more than 20 years.It is not so high; he said that inviting officials to sit at home, and the guests must not be allowed to use the assembly, or the humble furniture made of or made in mainland China.

However, when the media asked the official residence for specific numbers within half a year, Yu Da did not respond.

Yu Da? He also said that he suggested to Taipei with two replaceable official vehicles to subscribe to a large recreational car Cadillac car; because most of the dignitaries in the United States are large, they are largeSurvival, "Why can't I enter and exit these cars in and out of these cars like these people?" He said, if it was possible, he would continue to fight for purchasing.

Yu Da? It admits that the spare official vehicles that have been placed in the official residence go out to purchase, and also admit that the business car to see the cherry blossoms, and said, "Just in the urban area, I will carry it."

He said that the director of the pavilion has the right to use the use of official vehicles. What to do is basically decided by the curator. As for whether he is appropriate, he accepts it with an open mind and is willing to advance.

As for the allegations of various types of behavior against Yu Da? His wife Luo Meizhen, Yu Da said that he and his wife's diplomatic work for more than 35 years can be a public review;Their couple never drank or severely abused employees in the United States.

Yu Da?The hind legs make the hard work of diplomatic colleagues disturbed or lost.

Taiwan Mirror Weekly reported on Tuesday that Yu Da used public funds to purchase various high -priced products, including 210,000 carpets, 960,000 French handmade sofas, 260 -pair of Bluetooth speakers, 11 million unitsThe Swiss brand coffee machine bought two units at a time, and had spent 8 million yuan in public funds for half a year, and applied for a Cadillac luxury car of 3.7 million yuan.Consumers such as toilet paper, toothpaste and other consumables used in personal residences also report to the reason for receiving guests.

The report is also called Yu Da? The wife will let his wife "call the diplomat at the moment", and let the staff of the representative office accompany the shopping, help press the elevator, etc.

A spokesman for the Taiwanese government, Guo Yahui, responded when he was questioned on the same day. President Lai Qingde had asked the Executive Yuan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to understand the truth and deal with it in accordance with relevant regulations.