Most of the voters who support alternative selection of the party, in fact, also expressed their willingness to want the party to be in power across the country.If this is confirmed, anti -democracy, revenge, anti -immigrant, and pro -Russian remarks are not the main reason why Dadong supports the party.

Anti -immigrant and populist German alternative Selection Party (AFD), in the local election of Turinen, one of the 16 states in Germany on September 1, led a group of heroes with a voting rate of 32.8%and ranked second in Saxon State.It is expected to achieve good results in Brandonburg, which is adjacent to Berlin on September 22.In addition, the European Parliament elections held in June, the other's alternative selection parties obtained the same seat as the ruling Social Democratic Party.

In this way, the right -wing has won the first election since Germany recovered after the Democracy of Democracy.Indeed, this is just a local election, but victory must start from somewhere.The National Socialist German Workers' Party (that is, the Nazi Party) led by Hitler came to power, which also started from the victory of Turinen's local elections. People felt very strong to compare the two things.Will history repeat it?

Germany implements a federal political system. It has strong power in local laws and regulations in various regions, but does not include foreign decision -making power.Nevertheless, false peace appealed, required to stop assisting Ukraine, and cracking down on immigrants are the main issues in these two states elections.Another choice of parties and Russia have inextricable connections, and Russia does not hesitate to stimulate and support European separation movements.Even if the partial requirements of the alternative selection of the party will lead to the collapse of Germany's aid in Ukraine, which is essential for Ukraine's defense.In the party's party rally and parade, this Nazi organization often calls on Germany to withdraw from NATO, the European Union, and even the World Health Organization.The so -called (German) "Brexit" threat has become an alternative intimidation trick used by the other party leaders in an interview.

Why don't the German elections remind us of the dark past of the Nazis?Most importantly, Germany has changed.Hitler came to power is the result of a major economic crisis, and Germany further deepened this crisis due to the failure of the failure of the First World War.When Hitler came to power, the democratic system in Germany began for more than ten years, which was a wound that was easily infected by hatred.Today, Germany is the pillar of European democracy and stability.This country unconditionally acknowledged that there were many countries and mechanisms that defended democratic systems in the country that were responsible for World War II disaster.Some alternative choices have been monitored by independent and non -political federal constitutional protection offices, and people can only expect these protection institutions to play a role.

I dare to say that new technologies and artificial intelligence are as effective as preventing its development in the non -democratic system in the democratic system that has taken root in and is playing a role.It is not easy to destroy a stable democratic system.

Since the 1970s, the openness and tolerance of others have become the axis of German education.Nearly 25%of the mother or father of the German population has a background of immigration.The quality problem of integration is one of the reasons why extreme right -wing groups can occupy 10%of the country. In other words, the poor integration effect has stimulated the rebound of local people, leading to the rise of the extreme right -wing groups of anti -immigrants.However, changes in society seem to be irreversible.The support of the Dadong people's support for the other party and the increasingly acceptable acceptance of the new Nazi remarks is the result of less contact with democracy and open society in 40 years.Not all those who vote to the other party to select the party are consistent with the party's leaders.

It is worth investigating to conduct an opinion on voting to the right -wing people, and it can learn more about the election.Most of the voters who support alternatives to select the party, in fact, also expressed their willingness to be in power across the country.If this is confirmed, anti -democracy, revenge, anti -immigrant, and pro -Russian remarks are not the main reason why Dadong supports the party.

Who voted to support radicals, but did not want them to take power?That's because someone wants to use a ballot to express their frustration and protest the current power.The German economy is declining.After 30 years of unification, people's income was 25%less than the western region, and 68%of them were disappointed with the unity process.East Germans themselves said that in 1990, Germany was not as unified as West Germany took over East Germany.Since then, 20%of the population has left East Germany.These are the reason why the right and left wing are popular in eastern Germany. The other party's victory in the states of the parties in the east will be as amazing as its failure in western states.

It is important that I hope the German government will not join the ranks of populism.In fact, when writing this article, the German federal government has decided to restore control over all German land boundaries.The latest decision to introduce border control is actually equivalent to pressing the suspension key for the Schengen Agreement (compilation: the signing country to open the border freely), and this seems to be an opportunistic gesture of the other party style.When support rates and polls begin to become more important than long -term vision, I worry that it will damage Germany and Europe.

Author Piotr Karpinski is a Polish Chinese translator

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