Ukraine finally launched a counterattack against Russia this year, but it was not launched in June as last year, but in early August.Time seems a bit late, because it is no longer far from autumn and winter.Ukraine President Zeleki may not want to see that the Ukrainian army has nothing to do this year, trying to achieve a certain result, and even reverse the war.The offensive this time was also unexpected -not in Wudong, but in the direction of Koursk, Russia.

In Donedsk, Zarpar, the defense of the Russian army was broken -after the counterattack in 2023 was frustrated, the Ukraine had enough to determine that another large -scale offensive battle was launched in these places.In Kurusk's border area, the Russian army's defense is relatively weak.The Ukrainian Army raided in this direction, and the possibility of successful breakthroughs was greater.This is in line with the idea of ​​"the shape of the soldiers avoiding the truth" in the grandson.As for the purpose of the Ukraine's offensive, in addition to letting Russia feel the consequences of war, taste the taste of war, and establish a buffer zone to prevent Russian cross -border attacks, it also includes mobilizing the Russian army to help the Wudong front line, reminiscent of the strategy of "surrounding Wei to save Zhao".

For a while, Ukraine did get a certain result and occupied some places, including Sujia, including Sujia.However, the offensive has not continued for a long time, and the Russian army has initially reversed the passive situation.At present, in some places in Kurusk, there is a situation of unstable stalemate, and Russia has even counterattacked in some places.Assuming that Ukraine could concentrate more troops in the direction of Kurusk, continue to launch offensives, and even directly threatened major Russian cities. The impact of this offensive war will be greater and Russia will be more passive.However, this situation has not occurred.For Russia, the most dangerous period in Kurusk has basically passed.

On the other hand, if the Ukraine entered the early days of Kurusk, Russia returned the elite troops from Donbas and other places to defend, so that the offensive in Udong would even make the Ukraine fight in this direction.Maybe, the role of the Koursk offensive war should not be underestimated anyway.However, although Ukraine's attempt to attack the enemy must be saved, Russia has not regarded Koursk as a must -save place for large -scale troops to reinforce.Russia is still reluctant to retreat from the front line of Wudong when it is facing tremendous pressure, and has not even stopped offensive in Pacorovsk and other places.Even the Ukraine Commander, Cruski, acknowledged on August 27 that Russia still retains elite soldiers in the Donetsk area and tried to seize Pokrovsk.At present, Russia has not lost the initiative of the Wudong Battlefield, and the focus of the entire battle is still in Wudong, not in Kurusk.

For Ukraine, by attacking Russia to mobilize the Russian army, the intention of grasping global initiative has not been realized.It continues to be in a passive situation in Wudong.

Russian President Putin said on September 5 that the Auro's operation in Kurusk has led to weakening the combat power in the key areas of Udon, and the Russian army's advancement in Donbas has accelerated.If Russia can capture Afdeka in February this year, in the near future to capture another important place in Udong, such as Pokrovsk, it will have an impact on the morale of both Russia and Ukraine.The outside world will have more doubts about the Kurusk's attack on the Ukraine.At present, the importance of Russian army leaders put a major breakthrough in Wudong and placed it on the complete recovery of Kurusk.This is also supported by Putin.Even so, it is not easy for Russia to make major breakthroughs in Wudong.

One of the shortcomings of the Ukrainian army is the lack of soldiers, so that this year, it has passed the law to allow some prisoners to participate in the army.Generally speaking, the offense will consume troops faster than defense, launching offensives in Russia, and large casualties are unavoidable.According to a Russian satellite news agency reported on September 11, Ukrafe has lost more than 1,1800 people in the direction of Kurusk.Although the data is doubtful, it should not be denied that the loss of soldiers in the direction of the Ukraine in Kurusk is difficult to underestimate the loss -this will not affect the entire war situation.

What will the end of the battle of Kurusk must continue to observe.This is a severe test for Putin and the Chief of Staff of the Russian Army Grassimov.Judging from the evolution of the war situation, this campaign is also a severe test for Zelleiski and Selski.The final ending of the Battle of Kurus may have an impact on the Russian and Ukraine War that it is difficult to ignore.

The author is a Canadian judge, researcher for military history