State -funded Li Xianlong delivered a speech at the annual ceremony of the public service leader the day before yesterday. In particular, he proposed Singapore's political prospects and proposed a sensitive but significant topic. Not only did Singapore civil servants and politicians think deeply, but also the attention and thought of all Chinese people.As the former prime minister of the ruling party, Li Xianlong proposed this topic. Perhaps in some people, there is no bias or self -praise, but if you read the full text of the speech carefully, he can still feel that he tries to draw away as a member of the ruling party.From the perspective of the system, it can withstand the discussion of the test of the times.

With the continuous deepening and popularity of social media and artificial intelligence, the challenges of open society under the democratic system are getting greater and greater.The politics of more and more countries are dancing with the rapid advancement of new media and the noisy political ecology, and voters of different generations and different interests have also followed diversification and complexity; under the pressure of votes, political parties and politiciansTo make thoughtful political decisions, it is becoming more and more difficult, and even more and more vulnerable to temptation and swords on the front, starting from extreme and populist routes in order to obtain political breakthrough opportunities.The phenomenon of avoiding long -term subjects or moving towards extremism in many national politicians in Europe and the United States is precisely the sign of politically change from quantitative change to qualitative development.The US media recently commented that Trump and Harris, who are competing to the Presidential position, deliberately avoided the issue of US Treasury bonds that have already created astronomical numbers to avoid scaring away voters.

In his speech, Li Xianlong quoted former Prime Minister Luxembourg and former Chairman of the European Commission, Juncker, and said it was very specific: "Everyone knows how to do it, but we don’t know how to re -election after doing so." If "do the right right.""Things means losing the voting or even the political stage, the short -term interest appeal of the voters, or providing short -term interests to incite voters to support themselves, it is likely to become the request of civil servants.The country can not see the results of the results or even make sacrifice political decisions for a while.This is the guidance of many democratic countries today.

Ye Chengchang, the head of civil servant, pointed out in the same ceremony that the leaders of public services must be brave to tell the truth to those in power; Li Xianlong also pointed out that public services are not only a profession, but also a mission.The key is that politicians are based on public opinion and have the right to overthrow the professional opinions and even planning of civil servants. It is one of the risks of democratic politics.Therefore, politicians consciously respect administrative neutrality and have the will to resist short -sightedness. It is the cornerstone of whether good politics and good governance can be established, and whether democratic politics can develop steadily.Of course, whether voters can choose a reasonable choice also determine the quality of politicians.

Li Xianlong pointed out that both civil servants and politicians should play their own outstanding roles, that is, respecting administrative neutrality and not allowing civil servants to be involved in political debate, which is very important for Singapore's operation.The Singapore civil servant team recruits a large number of top talents and the system continues to improve. If the political parties are not self -discipline, the administrative bias will be biased, and the trust of the people will be lost for a long time.

As the political ecology of Singapore has become more diverse, the younger generation growing under the Internet has become the mainstream of society, and the gap between the future election results may become smaller and smaller.In this case, the ruling party's self -formulating way of thinking will change, and it is worthy of the attention of the Chinese people.In the past, the will of the ruling party itself and the pressure brought by the national voting, shaped the Singapore's Li Jing Tuzhi, has also maintained a ruling method of ruling, becoming a high standard in the hearts of the Chinese people, which must continue to be the benchmark of Singapore's democratic politics.

Singapore's democratic system has been transformed for decades, and the road has become wider and wider, but we also see that there are more and more vicious variants in the world's democratic countries. It is urgent to disorder anyway.Li Xianlong said that the trust and confidence between the people and the government must be continuously updated in order to ensure that the political system is operating well and sincerity.Regardless of how Singapore's politics evolved in the future, Chinese people should believe that we have gradually developed a relatively feasible and effective democratic system standard, and we should excel on this.Among them, the high -quality civil servant system continues to shape long -term policies for the country. The self -discipline and good political will actively defend this system without doing malicious manipulation.The severity allows the sacred vote to continue to create the value worth cherishing for themselves and descendants.