Source: The WeChat public account of Integrity Watch Magazine "Official Inspection Room"

Author: Zeng Najia

"Report leadership: Everywhere on duty is normal, nothing is lost, the piano is not lost, the corridor is normal, the tables and chairs are normal, and the school motto is not lost ..." At the beginning of this year, a "post -80s" sports teacher in TianjinPublished a video of my holidays on duty, and ridiculed the meaning of this kind of duty in a humorous way, which resonated with many teachers.

Today, the pressure on duty in the system and departments is increasing. The grassroots are increasingly complained for some invalid duty in some forms that are more than actual.Wang Min has stayed in a certain local municipal market supervision bureau, civil affairs bureau, and government office. He also has a deep understanding of all kinds of duty.There is no responsibility for emergency scheduling and disposal of emergency scheduling, but the authority has the right to issue documents on duty.P>

The development of duty

The duty -on -duty work is the "outpost" of the party committee and the government. It is an important hub to ensure the operation of the party committee and government agencies all -weather operations. It is an important institutional arrangement to ensure emergency emergencies and timely response to the disposal of emergencies.

The duty on duty in the system has been implemented for a long time, and it has been institutionalized through the document for 30 years.

In 1994, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice on strengthening duty work, requiring the provincial (district, municipal) people's governments and the office departments of the State Council to set up duty rooms or personnel on duty, and ensure that there are people on duty for 24 hours a day and night.

At that time, the duty room on duty at the General Office of the State Council inspected the duty work of the people's governments (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the departments of the State Council in accordance with the instructions of the leaders.Judging from the results of the inspection, there are some problems with a small number of local and departments on duty, such as: some places and departments have not set up duty rooms or do not arrange personnel on duty at night.

The notice pointed out that duty is an important daily work for administrative organs at all levels. Duty rooms and duty personnel should handle emergency, important matters and emergencies in accordance with the requirements of the higher authorities and the instructions of the leaders of the authorities.Service work.


duty system extends to a larger scale in 5 years.In 1999, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice on strengthening government system duty and information reporting work. It is required that all regions and departments must implement a 24 -hour duty system and strict job responsibility system to establish a complete set of information collection, processing and processing and processing.Submitting system.

Since then, every holidays such as the Spring Festival, the Central Office and the General Office of the State Council will also issue notices to strengthen the duty work during the holidays, and supervise the situation on duty through the duty system.

At the same time, the public security, fire protection, emergency, transportation and other departments have always implemented a 24 -hour duty.At present, many local governments will also issue documents such as notice of doing a good job of doing a good job in the production safety during the flood season, and emphasize the discipline of duty on duty.

But some cadres told reporters that in many units, duty has become a customary regulation, which has been separated from the actual positioning and workload of the unit.Today, the second- and third -tier departments and units that do not directly face the first -tier emergencies, such as the Youth League Committee, Literary Federation, Disabled Federation, Women's Federation, and Science and Technology Association, and they must also be touched.Because there are no specific duty tasks, the duty of these units is often reduced to formalism.

"When you need to work on duty, especially townships, you will notify the white head in the group and not allow cadres to leave." A township cadre told reporters.

"In the past, because of its underdeveloped transportation and communication, information was not in place, it really needed someone to deal with emergency situations. But now the communication methods have been so developed, but many departments have not adjusted this system."The security room, the security guard is on the job for 24 hours, and also patrols many times in the evening. Our administrative unit is not a special department such as emergency and forestry. How necessary is it necessary for the 24 -hour duty to be on duty?

Some cadres believe that generally invalidate duty is the embodiment of "speaking average" thinking in some local leaders.Wang Min said, "Now that the subsidy on duty has been canceled, if it is only a major functional department on duty, some cadres will complain. Out of actual consideration, simply" cut a knife ", and the name is" saturated emergency duty '. "

He added: "Like the duty tasks and responsibilities of the market regulatory authorities, it is clear that the market order maintenance of the holidays and the timely processing of complaints and reports are necessary.It is questionable to arrange for duty.

The phenomenon of overflow on duty

"Now it is required to take duty classes as soon as the winter and summer vacations or important holidays. If you encounter festivals and weekends are linked to the weekend, you have to bring class on duty for three days, so the festival is easier.Get the school "a college leader cadre told reporters.

Students are on vacation, but the teacher is "trapped" in school; the management service target is over weekends, but the cadres get the unit to sit.Many workers in the system are endless.

Originally, the original intention of the duty system was to ensure normal work. Especially during the holidays, it was not only for emergency treatment, but also in orderEssenceThis system itself is necessary.The problem is that now it has reached the grassroots level, and many meaningless duty has been produced.

Some units with very few staff members, everyone will turn on duty soon, sometimes even a number of shifts for a month.Wei Ming, a staff member of the Municipal Party Committee's editor office, told reporters that the unit is limited to the staff and the duty rotation is very fast. In addition, as a local, he is often lined up on duty on holidays.I really want to accompany my family. "

Some cadres of the duty departments of some second- and third -tier minor departments even admit to reporters that most of them can do when they are on duty. After arriving at the job, they can play mobile phones and dazed.Check the job "call.

From the perspective of Deng Rong, a professor at the Party School of the Dujiangyan Municipal Party Committee (Chengdu Village Political College), there are some meaningless overtime work and the lack of scientific and accurate work to divide the scientific and accurate work.

She for example: "For example, the local exhibition is a staged work, not an emergency. What departments will involve such stages of work and which departments should be on duty, they need scientific classification."

Among them how the grassroots scientifically distinguish a job is daily, phased, or emergency.There are also these tasks involved in which units and departments, and few people can do such scientific planning, and the leaders are tired of cope, so they simply "one -size -fits -all".

State -owned enterprise employees in a certain place have recently suggested to their superiors: "If it is under special conditions such as key areas and key positions, the role of duty is undoubted, but the office building in the urban area is arranged for so many people to conduct day and night duty.What is the meaning, there are monitoring and security in the building, and also equipped with smoke alarms. If you are only worried about the safety hazards such as safety hazards, the personnel of each unit can meet the requirements.The personnel on duty are just sitting in the duty room.

Deng Rong said: "Some leading cadres have a balanced consciousness in the subconscious. Some departments are on duty, and other units should also be‘ accompany ’. <<> Zhuang Deshui, deputy secretary of the party committee of Peking University School of Education and deputy director of the Public Policy Research Center, pointed out: "The meaningless and duty system of the original value positioning system that appears now is violated.Leading cadres' ideological awareness and work level are directly related, but the more important source is that there are too many things about formalism and bureaucracy.For example, prepare materials, welcome inspections, preparatory meetings, etc. "

"In the final analysis, the unsightly duty at the grassroots level is to cope with the complete needs of the above policy, notification, and task." He added.

Is it to avoid responsibilities?

In recent years, the on -duty duty has gradually flooded without practical significance, and the pressure on duty on the grassroots has continued to increase.

Somewhere in order to promote harmony and harmony, it is required that the "six will not happen" during the holiday period. Under the layer, the city's level will become "eight without occurring"."Ten do not happen", so that the scale and work intensity of the value -added class will inevitably increase the value of the value -added class.

"In general, this is a measure that sacrifice efficiency and cost to ensure safety and stability." There are grass -roots cadres.

Even if some places have posted documents to reduce the pressure on duty in related fields and units, the following will still be deformed during execution.

"The school's duty is restarted, the administrative staff must value, and the officers of all offices must also participate."Meaning on duty.In some places, it is changed to duty in leading cadres. In fact, the front -line teachers go to the job on duty in the name of "middle cadres".

"Xiao Liu Mingming went to help the masses to solve the problem. As a result, when the superiors were assaulting the duty class, he called the office and no one answered. I helped him explain it for a long time, making it as if the unit was on duty.The office door was posted on the door of the office, left a phone call, and gave me a report. Fortunately, he quickly contacted him that day, and he also left a work photo.He Xu, the leader, was almost held accountable for his subordinate duty.In fact, Xiao Liu Mingming went to do practical things, but was considered a poor attitude.

Zhuang Deshui said: "At present, duty is generally regarded as the political performance of government departments and institutions, and it is also a manifestation of the political performance of leading cadres. No one on duty will affect the overall image of the unit and affect the political evaluation and assessment of leading cadres.Even some units will incorporate the situation on duty into the annual assessment. Which departments are in good duty, they are considered a good job attitude, and no one is on duty.

"The original intention of holiday preparation is to deal with and handle emergencies. In addition to participating in video scheduling meetings on holidays, they also need to check the issues of the enterprise.The supervision of the Municipal Bureau ... "The grass -roots cadres of the Site of the Emergency Administration Bureau asked the government to report to the local sunlight hotline.

In this regard, Zhuang Deshui said: "In fact, the temporary and aggressive matters are relatively small now, and the daily work is regular. Relevant personnel are on duty.This actually caused personnel bloated "

The expansion of no actual significance on duty is actually the embodiment of some superior departments and leaders to avoid responsibilities.

From the perspective of Gui Hua, a professor at the China Rural Governance Research Center of Wuhan University, "Dating is a simple way to deal with unexpected problems in the bureaucratic system. At least there are problems. Under the circumstances of non -subjective factors, the staff on duty can be the first to the first.Time is present, at least it will not be held accountable in this regard.

Cadres who are responsible for rectifying grass -roots formalism believe that "the superior department should not check for inspection and assault for the assault, and the business department should not arrange the work that should be completed daily on duty time.Leading cadres think that the arrangement of work on rest days and holidays can reflect their importance to work. In fact, they only transfer their daily work to increase the burden of lower departments and grassroots cadres.One is the weak work, and the other is the normalization of the work content of the duty class. "