After the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines criticized the "irresponsible" of Japan's China Sea, the Chinese Embassy in Japan said that Japan and a few countries such as the United States intervened in the South China Sea with various means and played extremely.Bad characters.

According to WeChat public account "Chinese Embassy in Japan" on Friday (August 30), a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Japan said that the Japanese side was answered in the South China Sea Chinese Sea.On the issue of the South China Sea, it was unreasonable to discredit the Chinese side and deliberately stirred the tense situation of the South China Sea.

The spokesman said that the fact that the recent situation in the South China Sea related islands and reefs is very clear."The Philippines has repeatedly infringed on the South Island Reef infringement of the South Island Reef, and seriously infringed on the sovereignty and marine rights and interests of Chinese territory. It has all its responsibilities. China has taken necessary control measures to be completely legitimate, legal, reasonable, and on -site operations, restraint, and standards."

A spokesman said that China does not accept or recognize the illegal and invalid ruling of the South China Sea arbitration case, nor does it accept any claims and actions based on the ruling.Any political manipulation ending in legal coats is destined to fail.

A spokesman said that for a long time, the Japanese group and a few countries such as the United States intervened in the South China Sea with various means, playing a very unpleasant role, and seriously urged the Japanese to stop provoking right and wrong, encourage confrontation, and do not want to confront them. Do not want to do not need to confront.Going further and further on the wrong road of the South China Sea.

China and the Philippines continued to confront the disputed waters of the South China Sea. Both countries and collisions occurred in the waters near Xianbin Reef on August 19th, 25th and 26th.

The official Japanese official Tuesday (August 27) issued a press release, saying that Japan expressed serious concerns about the tensions of the South China Sea, and urged the tension to ease the tension.

The press release states that Japan opposes any unilateral attempt to change the status quo with force, and also opposes any actions that exacerbate the tension between the South China Sea and destroy the rights of navigation."According to the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law, the arbitration decision is the final decision, which has legal binding power on the parties of the dispute. Japan strongly hopes that all parties will comply with the ruling and peacefully resolve the South China Sea dispute."

China in the PhilippinesThe Embassy issued a document on Thursday (29th) to criticize Japan's above -mentioned remarks "irresponsible", and urged Japan to deeply reflect on history, reflect on their words and deeds, and do more things that are conducive to regional peace and stability.The country of the country and the international community ".