Residence problem is only a part of tourism.Community media sharing travel selfies has become a ritual, but selfies make people full of disorderly and crowded attractions.The advantages and disadvantages of sightseeing are lost this midsummer, and it is still a problem that is still in the mouth of Europeans.

After arriving at the destination, tourists found that the southern European who welcomed them was not hospitable.The graffiti on the Bridge of Florence, Italy wrote: "tourists, go home!" The wall of Barcelona, ​​Spain reads: "Your luxury tourism is my daily sadness", and residents shoot tourists with water guns.

In the 18th century, the European high society has emerged in the "Grand Tour" in the 18th century.With the expansion of railways and ships, the British THOMAS COOK launched a tour group in the 19th century, laying the prototype of modern tourism.Tourism must be rich, and it is also idle. In 1936, France promoted paid leave, asking companies to give employees a 15 -day holiday every year to dry the sun by the seaside, which further promoted the development of the tourism industry.

In modern times, scientific and technological progress has made it more and more convenient for booking tickets for online booking, and hotels to book hotels, and tourism is becoming more and more popular.In 1950, only 1 % of the world's population travel abroad, and now 20 % and about 1.5 billion people travel abroad a year.The tourism industry is a promoter of the modern economy. If it is included in broad statistics such as catering, shopping, etc., it accounts for about one -fifth of Greek GDP (GDP), and about 10 % of the economic contributions to Spain and Italy.After the crown disease epidemic relief, the tourism industry was dying due to the blockade of the blockade, and the locals thought that the crowd of crowds was a brief "retaliation of tourism"; in fact, this was a huge wave after the nature of the tourism industry.

The economic difficulties during the epidemic have led to the closure of many home -style stores. Instead, they are a strong tourist tourist and chain stores. They are internationally launched in international cultural cities, old historical shops and traditional food.The cruise ship comes, and the residents of the popular attractions are suffering from "sightseeing".Compared to Rome, Venice and Florence in Italy, Bologna could not even rank in the second -tier cities that were originally sightseeing, but under the image packaging of the "Capital of Gourmet", I wanted to try it.Tourist bee rushed.However, what they taste may be the product of industrialized manufacturing, and it has nothing to do with the authentic tradition of manual slow cooking in the imagination.

Bologna is famous for its oldest universities in the world and is also a left -handed town in Italy. It has a settlement of the automotive industry headed by Ferrari sports cars.However, the tide of sightseeing has changed the veins. The homeowner prefers to create more income Airbnb (Audemars Piguet) short -term rental. Students from the University of Bologna can hardly rent a house. Even if they find it, the rent is also expensive.Over the past year, Bologna's rent has risen 5%, Rome and Venice have risen by 10%, and Florence has increased by 16%.

Restricted Housing Short Rental by the People

The phenomenon of tourist anti -guests is also very serious in Barcelona. The mayor announced that the short -term rental verification permit will not be continued after the expiration of 2028. That is, when traveling to Barcelona after that, you must live in a hotel or a traditional homestay.EssenceThe Mayor of Florence also announced that it restricts short -term rental in ancient cities, but the industry has accused the city government that has no right to use the way of use private property; Barcelona restricts homeowners to invest in the short -term rental market. Citizens believe that they have promoted large capitalists who have financial resources to build hotels.Amsterdam in the Netherlands announced that it will no longer be allowed to build a new hotel unless there are old hotels closed.

Under the sharing economic slogan of Airbnb "My Home is Your Home", capitalism enters step by step, enters the living room, entered the bedroom, a room and a bed have market prices, but under the banner of sharing, but under the banner of sharing,Follow government supervision.The Roman city government investigated last year that unregistered illegal short -term rental rents were as many as 12,000, allowing the municipal government to charge 20 million euros (about 28.94 million yuan) to 40 million euros per year.

Residence problem is only a part of tourism.Community media sharing travel selfies has become a ritual, but selfies make people full of disorderly and crowded attractions.PortoFino, the beautiful sea view, prohibits tourists from taking selfies, and the next five fishing villages prohibit tourists from wearing slippers and walking around, because many people are injured in the old cliff road neighboring the coast of the coast, but they are injured and sent to the doctor.The relaxation mood of vacation often causes absurd measures. After the tourists repeatedly jumped into the fountain, Rome sacrificed fines; Venice banned tourists from sitting on the floor; residents of Amsterdam protested to buy spring, peony, and tourists who were drowning.

In order to alleviate the trend of sightseeing or make up for the dissatisfaction of residents, the Italian government considers raising the sightseeing tax, up to 25 euros per day, but the industry exclaims that this will scare tourists.Venice's scenery is unique in the world, and the tourism industry has begun to change the appearance of water as early as 30 years ago.In order to withstand the tourists of nearly 30 million people each year, the mayor decided to levy a fee of 5 euros of foreign tourists, but it reached 700,000 euros that the municipal government was expected to receive in half a year for eight days.

Between sightseeing and preserved in local culture

The opening and restrictions on cheap accommodation of various taxes and fees will cause tourism to return to the era of luxury consumption.When the Italian tourism industry is prosperous, most of them are foreign tourists, and more and more locals cannot afford expensive travel expenses.In fact, luxury tourism has avoided the crowded tourism chaos. Private yachts stopped the port of Sardinia, and private planes and helicopters were connected.In the noisy Roman city center, there are a big hotel that is faintly faint in the city. It is 25,000 euros per night. Tourists who have made a lot of money can enjoy the luxury of the Roman emperor.

Between sightseeing and preservation of local culture, the launch of the old bedding shop in the past 160 years, the old -fashioned shop, Stefano Pizzolato, launched an outstanding old shop association to unite at least three generations of Roman stores to continue serving the local areaCustomers also allow tourists to experience the eternal city taste of the times.Many experts suggest that tourists are scattered from time and space, and activities are arranged all year round to attract tourists to avoid a bee in the summer and high seasons. In addition to popular attractions, they evacuate tourists to rural, mountains and suburbs.

A few years ago, an American lawyer fell in love with the poetic mountain scenery of Castiglioncello, a small town of Italy at first sight and decided to buy a house.A small town with a flow of population and a house is flourishing because of his investment. In the end, the church of the town also sold him to reorganize.Here you can experience the lifestyle of Tuscany to learn to make local dishes; tourists have created employment opportunities, and residents who move out of the country can return to their home.However, as a hotel, the entire town has become a commodity in cities, diets, and traditions. The place where residents' life is condensed (Place) has become a suspended space (Space).Unpoved difficulty.