Bynden withdrew from the 2024 US presidential election is still one of the biggest news this year.He was criticized for his performance in June and showed signs of obvious aging. The 81 -year -old president finally recognized his views on his views and met the coach to Vice President and 59 -year -old Harris.This made Trump, a 78 -year -old Republican nominee, suddenly changed from a slightly young candidate to a lot of older.

Although the United States has no age restrictions on elected politicians, it may also be set up.The US foreign department requested officials to retire at the age of 65, and the U.S. military stipulates that senior officers retire at the age of 64. However, as long as the presidential approval is approved, some generals with higher levels can delay to retire at the age of 68.These age restrictions ensure that those who command American soldiers and weapons can also control their bodies completely.They must be awakened to make keen decisions in the case of great physical and mental consumption.

For those who have the highest power, these standards should be higher.However, no matter whether it is president or any official (Vice President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Interim Speaker of the Senate, etc.), there are no such requirements.

Among the election officials of this largest economy and military in the world, about one -third of the 35 and 435 of the 100 American Senators are far exceeding the highest US military in the United States.The employment age allowed by the leadership; the same is true of the US Supreme Court. As the final arbiter of US law, three of the nine judges have been 70 years old or more.In contrast, only 28 CEOs of Fortune 500 are similar to their age.

The usual reason for older politicians to serve as a leader is that they have the richest experience.But even if we regard this as an asset, we must weigh its value with physical diseases such as stroke and fractures to all age risks of cognitive ability.The minds of the elderly may be better at combining different information and interpreting the overall situation, but it is hard to say whether this ability can last until the age of 70 or 80.

Another point of view that the increasingly aging U.S. leadership is the reflection of voters aging.In 2022, about 30%of voters in the United States were over 65 years old, so we may just witness democracy and play a role.However, the data shows that the age of elected officials is not significantly related to the age of voters.The oldest election officials are not the largest states from the average age of the public.

Senator Dianne Feinstein as an example. Although her health is not good, she still insisted on serving as a senator for many years and finally died at the age of 90 after retirement.Her California is ranked 10th among the 65 -year -old or more voters.Among the 10 states with the lowest ratio of voters over 65 years old, one or more senators of more than 70 are over 70 years old.

One of the more possibilities for the aging of US leaders is that the rules have been outdated with the extension of people's life.The Supreme Court judges have no age restrictions. The US Constitution only stipulates that the minimum age of presidents, senators and members is 35, 30 and 25, respectively.

The practice of irregularity and appointment of the compulsory retirement age of federal officials reflects that in the world at that time, most people cannot live to the age of dementia.Or survive after severe fractures.Senior of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th century did not worry about age.However, since the drafting of the Constitution, the expected life expectancy of those who have been five years old have increased for more than 20 years, and the decline of physical function has appeared as they increase.

Elected officials to adhere to their posts in the elderly are not the result of democracy.Instead, according to data from Freedom House, elderly politicians are more likely to lead a country with a low degree of democracy.In the United States, many people continue to take power because they will bring election advantages, especially in the Senate.The situation that recently happened to Vandan and Biden, highlighting the lack of the formal and informal mechanism of the existing leader.

Last year's public opinion survey showed that 79%and 74%of Americans were in favor of the highest employees of the Washington Special Estate's election officials and the Supreme Court judge.Half of Americans hope that the president is about 50 years old.Although the elderly in the United States prefers older presidents, only 5%of the 70 -year -old or more interviewees hope that the president's age is similar to them.

It is said that the first President Washington cut down a cherry tree at the age of six and chose to confess when asked about it.This is a charming fable, but Americans should pay attention to a more important fact about him: he refuses to seek the third term that he can easily win, because he knows it is time to make.

The author is a professor of economics at Northwestern University, co -director of the Global Poverty Research Laboratory of Northwest University, and the founding director of the China Economic Laboratory

English Original: America NEEDS POLITICAL AGE LIMITS

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