Knowing how to make good use of AI can be added as a tiger.We are afraid that people do not understand or be lazy and abuse, and we are scrapped because of choking?Teachers who will use AI know that it can be a weapon for development thinking ability, and knows how to lead students through the sea of ​​vast AI full of unknown, challenges and hope.

In 2009, British education scientific and technological scholars proposed the concept of "Digital DISSONANANCE" to fully describe the tension between science and technology, culture, and education.This article will focus on one of them: teachers and students do not fully understand the functions and potential of emerging technologies, but are limited to low -level use (such as replacing textbooks from paper to electronics, multimedia, teaching methods);Raising the "psychological magnifying glass" to look at its shortcomings and refuse, the possibility of unreasonable prosperity and disadvantages.

Then, the generative artificial intelligence (General AI) came, and the education community also ushered in a new wave of digital disorders.Not to mention that there are still a few people who hold doubts. Although some educational institutions and teachers are believed to embrace AI in a large direction, they may be careful when they are actual.The team lost the team in the mighty trend, and the light boat has exceeded the mountains?

Even the teaching scientific and technical scholars who strongly advocate integration into AI and go forward and put into related research, at the same time, have also made academic reflections, discussions, and solutions for the possibility of comprehensive investment in AI teaching and academic application.For example, when the latest research compares that college students chat with the AI ​​chat robot and question to the real person instructor, there are differences in the processing method provided by the two; the results show that they will further think about the instructor's reply (even a critical thinking)Instead, the response of the chat robot is collected.

If a student proposes a question that needs to be solved to the chat robot, AI's reply should be regarded as "ideas", and the shoulders of thinking make the students stand up and look farther and farther.Or promoting adult machines to work with the solution.But many students may think of it as a "answer" and copy it.For example: AI gives students the right bait to allow students to fish by themselves; some students use fishing bait as fish, and they will not fish.

Ethan Molick, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, published a metaphor of "AI as computer" proposed in the past.Modern students studying mathematics in elementary school, not allowed to use computers, and first lay the foundation of the operational skills; when they are promoted to middle school, they start to divide the human -computer division of labor. Students focus on understanding and analyzing mathematical application questions, including the choice of equations and computing procedures.The hierarchical computing work is given to the computer -so when it is promoted to the high school, it is even allowed to bring the computer into the test room.

Danolk believes that early computer prices are high and it is difficult to own. The school has been exploring how to prosper and eliminate disadvantages, and gradually incorporates the use of computers in the course.But now AI can be obtained at hand, and it can only be banned under the eyes of the teacher in the classroom. Once you leave the campus from school ... Is the "doing" family homework ended by AI?

In fact, as far as our academic personnel use AI as the experience of research partners, because various thinking skills belong to our professional literacy, we can interact with AI, brainpower, co -construction, continuous improvement or even heavy heavy weights, or even destroy heavy weights.Practicing the research plan -we are very clear that without our human brain, AI cannot get high quality and meet the actual conditions and the final solution required; without AI dialing, we may consume a few times more time to draw out the plan, and sometimes we have not failed.Can jump out of our established thinking.

For students, maybe more early cultivation of these thinking and interacting skills with AI, so that they can discover the way to "catch a big fish with AI", which is better than "treating AI as fishing for work" (and satisfied with being satisfied with being satisfied withFishing small fish is poor), which also allows them to experience real active inquiry, actively constructing knowledge, and even the fun of simulating the thinking process of "Master of Thinking", and gain a successful sense of learning "relying on themselves".

If the proposition composition, some students may throw the topic to AI and ask it to generate the full text directly.However, there are Korean scholars developing applications. At the beginning, students were required to list the main points they wanted to write. AI guided students to "mobilize" and integrate thinking and language knowledge according to the steps of guiding writing.A study website in Taiwan "training" AI to follow the question of good and seduce, helping students who are empty to open their minds and explore the theme of writing -let AI inspire students to find their own voice.

Many teachers in many local middle schools and junior colleges have also begun to make similar attempts. For example, a Chinese teacher in Queen's Town Middle School performs the journey of "PEEL" (PEEL "(Elaboration, Examples, LINK), allowing studentsDiscuss articles on contemporary topics.Teachers taught students how to prompt chat robots and how to handle the "ideas" provided by the robot (not "answer!) And asked students to eventually submit a record of human -machine collaboration.This strategy of converting "finished product -oriented evaluation" into "process -oriented evaluation" has been popular in universities in various places, but these attempts prove that middle school students can also do -as long as the teacher knows how to guide.

Knowing how to make good use of AI can be added as a tiger.We are afraid that people do not understand or be lazy and abuse, and we are scrapped because of choking?Teachers who will use AI know that it can be a weapon for development thinking ability, and knows how to lead students through the sea of ​​vast AI full of unknown, challenges and hope.Singapore ’s national artificial intelligence core (AI Singapore), a series of AI literacy courses for teachers and students, may be a Dinghai God needle to flip the digital disorder of teachers and students, laying a solid foundation for the new type of AI drive labor.

The author is Huang Longxiang is a senior education research scientist at the National College of Education of Nanyang University of Technology

Luci is a lifelong honorary professor at Nanyang University