"If the president is elected, he will stand firmly with Ukraine and NATO allies." "Promise will ensure that the United States instead of China won the 21st century competition and strengthen the global leadership."Come to defend our army and interests from the infringement of Iran and its supported terrorists. "

This is a 59 -year -old US Vice President Harris at the National Congress of the Democratic Party, and officially accepted a word when the presidential candidate nominated.These words are very high -profile, which is in line with the common psychology of the Democratic Party today, which will make many people feel that she is not a person with long hair and short -sightedness. Like male candidates, she has poetry, far away, poems, poems in her eyes.And far away.

At this moment, if someone asks where cream and bread are, it may be speechless for Harris.Because, she really couldn't give a clear idea and measures on specific policies and measures, and she couldn't talk about her own views.If you are elected as the US president, you can't live in the illusions of poetry and distant, but you can't use cream and bread to be hungry.Therefore, in the eyes of many Democratic supporters, Harris can only pave the way for the first speeches in a seemingly correct, very broad words.When it comes to debate with Trump, let's talk about it, it will make Trump organic, and will constantly ask her to take out specific measures and methods.Conversely, if you talk about specific policies, measures, methods, cream and bread, there will be more vulnerabilities and weaknesses that can be attacked for Trump.

This also means that Harris has a higher than Trump in the recent polls. It seems that because of the ugly and tired Americans, she wants to use her freshness to give herself a moment of leisure.To restore vision and ears, it still depends on how much acceptable things that two candidates can come up with, so that they can vote with a very low gold content.Because, from Biden to Harris, the Democratic Party has not ushered in new hope.Biden can defeat Trump in the last presidential election. It is not relying on his own ability and prestige, but special opportunities in a special period, especially Trump's performance in the epidemic, making American voters angry, so that evenChoose a candidate like Biden as the president.The Democratic Party pushed Biden to the presidential candidate, and also wanted to give up this set and decide the next game.Unexpectedly, Biden won.Maybe, this also has a certain relationship with Bayon's deputy Obama.After all, the American people's evaluation of Obama is relatively high.

As a deputy of Biden, Harris was not so lucky, nor did he have Biden's luck and advantages.How much help can Bayon's frequent ugliness on various occasions and the lack of good presidential term can bring Harris?On the contrary, Trump has a presidential experience and ascended to the throne without defeating Hillary. The advantage is much greater than Harris.Especially when the United States has tilted to the right as a whole and the demand for individual interests is much higher than the overall interests, Trump has more support.

Therefore, Harris' poems and distant strategies may be difficult to confront Trump's cream and bread.At present, the results of polls are not credible at all and are not representative.After freshness, more and more pragmatic American voters will pay more attention to cream and bread, not poetry and far away.

U.S. public opinion also believes that the Harris campaign team avoids Trump's personal edge, shaped Harris speech as a medium -left mild faction, and showed tough to a certain extent, which reached the original intention of the campaign team.But how to do it, especially in the face of Trump's aggressiveness, can Harris respond and whether it can be replenished by temporarily holding Buddha's feet in the aspects of specific policies and measures that the people cares about.

We also noticed that in Harris's speech, he did not forget to treat China as a false enemy as an important part of her campaign.It is just that from her expression, the use of Biden is not new.If she can really defeat Trump, her Chinese problem policy must be the continuation of the Biden policy.Therefore, in this issue, China needs to be positive.

There are still two months before the US election. For Harris, it should be long and short.What is long, if you choose now, she is really likely to win under the freshness of the voters.But two months later, everything is hard to say.The short is that since there are still two months to elect, Harris has to make up all his homework and stretch the short board. It is too difficult.Therefore, this time is very difficult.Trump will definitely look for various weapons that can attack Harris in these two months.Once you find a decent weapon, according to Trump's personality, the firepower will be fully opened.How can Harris fight back at that time, it may be very difficult.

(the author is a Chinese financial commentator)