For the years of the founding of Malaysia for decades, the survival of Chinese people has always been a complex topic. Over the years, the challenges of social inequality, cultural identity and language protection in the face of racial policy, plus population problems and limited political influence derivedMulti -dilemma made the Chinese nationality difficult.Nevertheless, through the efforts of ethnic groups and communities, the Chinese voice has not been submerged in the most of the society in this Malay.

However, the situation of Chinese Malaysia is still severe.In the past few decades, the Barisan Nasional government has shaped the Chinese as the opposite of the Malay through one hand to consolidate the support of Malaysian voters, and the other hand was throwing some sweets to the Chinese community to obtain votes with the help of the MCA.However, with the development of information technology and the awakening of the Chinese community, this strategy gradually fails.In 2018, the Barisan Nasional regime was eventually overthrown, and the opposition of the Chinese community's accumulation contributed greatly.

After the Pakatan Harapan leader Anhua became the Prime Minister, the Chinese Malaysian Chinese fell into a new embarrassment.The current unity government is formed by the Pakatan Harapan and the Barisan Nasional. Although the Pakatan Harapan won the largest number in the last election, it failed to get more than half of it. Therefore, the alliance with other political parties became the best choice at the time.However, the formation of the unity of the government has made the Pakatan Harapan party dumb. Not only did they speak out of the allies' racial discrimination, but even some ministers or members of the Pakatan Harapan party also exposed their conservative and extreme attitudes.

Instead of cooperating with the Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional, it is better to be the cooperation between the Pakatan Harapan and UMNO. The other two members of the Barisan Nasional Party State and MCA are only relying on Umno's panting without influence.In the name of soothe the Malay group, the Democratic Action Party, which has the most seats in the ruling party, is marginalized and actively transparent in the government. Although it is known as the unity government, the color of the witch and the witch is heavier.Recently, Kergeli made up for the election, UMNO rejected the emergence of the DPP before the election, using the image of the other party as an ally.

Chinese people's voices for their own ethnic groups have been manipulated as a picked by the Malay community, which is considered a destruction of the united government.In this outlook on the overall situation, the silence of the Pakatan Harapan and the neglect of the Chinese News Agency will only continue to break the favorability of the Chinese News Agency and eventually lose support.At the same time, UMNO can continue to incite racism and use the power of the ruling party to distribute interests to regain support from the Malay community.

"Surprisingly" is most suitable for describing the political dilemma of Malaysian Chinese. On the one hand, the Pakatan Harapan, which has been strongly supported by Chinese descent, not only does not bring innovation, but is not the same as the BN. On the other hand,The options outside the Pakatan Harapan will only be worse. Needless to say, the indigenous unity party and the Islamic Party have used the MCA of the Chinese Party and the Democratic Party to prove their incompetence in the past decades.

Although the Chinese population in Malaysia is not high, it is an important ticket warehouse for the Pakatan Harapan to achieve the results of the last election.However, after governing, the Pakatan Harapan leader of Anhua was compromised on religion and extreme racial elements, and he was afraid that the Chinese would not give up their support for the Pakatan Harapan.This complacent attitude consumes the trust of the Chinese community and will continue to weaken the support of the Chinese community.The dissatisfaction of the Malaysians will accumulate into the next election. Even if they do not invest another party, the voting rate and waste rate of the Chinese are likely to decline and rise significantly separately, respectively, and form a defeat with the Pakatan Harapan.

(The author is an information technical consultant)