"What's wrong with retrograde? What happened to you?"

According to media reports, a few days ago, a woman in Qingdao, Shandong was not in line with the car. It was not a dozen slap to the driver of the normal driving driver, causing nasal hemorrhage.The woman was detained by the police for 10 days and fined 1,000 yuan.

Mr. Lin, who was beaten, was interviewed by the media, saying that he was still hospitalized, dizzy and disgusting, and said that he "has applied for injuries identification" and "without considering reconciliation, he will apply for administrative reconsideration and pass legal rights."

In the past two days, it was released by the media, network fermentation, and multiple entries related to this incident on social platforms.Among them, a hot search in the ranking is#其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其#.

The act of being a female driver's behavior and being beaten with a strong sense of bleeding from men, nose, and nose, which made some netizens doubt the results of the punishment: she did so many illegal things, and it was over for 10 days?

In fact, the administrative detention for 10 days is just a preliminary penalty. The price paid for the illegal behavior of the female driver will be far more than that.

According to media reports and on -site videos, the illegal behavior of female drivers includes motor vehicle retrograde, scolding, beating, and escaping.She will pay the price to cover multiple levels such as administrative responsibility, civil liability and even criminal responsibility.

The current administrative detention is administrative penalty for 10 days.The police reported that it was aimed at the behavior of the female driver abuse and beating the victims, and was based on the punishment law of my country's public security management.Throughout the incident, the facts in this regard are the clearest, and a penalty decision can be made as soon as possible.

But this does not mean that the price paid for female drivers for abuse and beatings is "so far."

In accordance with my country's public security management punishment law, abuse and beatings are independent violations of public security management. The 10 -day detain is the result of the police's merger and enforcement after the punishment is performed according to Article 42 and 43 of the Law.

According to the law, the maximum period can reach 20 days for the merger of the two or more violating public security management behaviors.If the victim, Mr. Lin was dissatisfied with the detention female driver for 10 days, applied for administrative reconsideration or filed an administrative lawsuit, once it was supported, the 10 -day detain period was likely to be extended.

At the level of criminal responsibility, Mr. Lin has applied for injury identification. If the identification results are minor injuries, female drivers will face criminal accountability.

Some legal sources have pointed out that female drivers intend to abuse and beat others are in line with the criminal law on providing provocation. Even if the victim's injury does not reach light injuries, her criminal responsibility should still be held.This view is representative and worthy of police judgment.

As for motor vehicle retrograde, ending, and escape from traffic accidents, once it is recognized, the traffic police department will impose fines such as the management measures such as the road traffic safety law and road traffic safety violations of road traffic safety violations.These are also administrative responsibilities.

Civil liability, female drivers should not escape.At the civil level, the behavior of female drivers is infringement and should be responsible for the consequences of infringement.At present, the victims are still hospitalized and have spent more than 4,000 yuan.The cost of the victim will be borne by the infringing female driver.

What the price of the arrogant female driver's final payment depends on the efforts of further investigation and judgment of the public authority, and it also depends on the efforts of the victim's efforts to defend the rights of rights through administrative reconsideration, administrative litigation, civil lawsuit and other methods.But one thing is certain: the price she paid for a series of illegal behaviors must be more than 10 days of detention and a fine of 1,000 yuan.

The last thing to say is that in this incident, the victim, Mr. Lin, remained restrained from beginning to end in the face of the female driver's attack behavior. This is rare.However, in the rule of law, the law is not encouraged or should not encourage the victims to swallow.It is hoped that the final result of this incident can make the next citizen who faces illegal violations have the courage to return to self -defense.

Contribution/Editor in Li Shuming/Chi Daohua School Division/Zhang Yanjun