Source: Bloomberg

Americans expressed their hope that leaders would be tougher than China. Kamara Harris's understanding was that they did not want the two countries to completely turn their faces.

The poll found that most Americans regard the primary task of fighting against China as a foreign policy, but the signals issued by Harris in the campaign show that although she will not be soft -hearted to China, she will not further tear these two global worldwide worldwideThe huge crack between the largest economy.This is very different from her competitive Donald Trump, and the latter has imposed a 60%tariff on Chinese goods.

Her chief foreign policy think tank Phil Gordon wrote in a report shortly after President Joe Bayeng's retirement that Vice President Harris has always been part of the "responsible management of competition against China".The report has not mentioned the tariffs, which has remained consistent with Harris's unclear political platform so far.

On the contrary, this report with national security professionals emphasized the meeting with Harris in Bangkok in November 2022 with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

For the followers of Biden China's policy, this word is no stranger.Harris is expected to continue to opposite China on issues such as semiconductor technology, the Taiwan Strait and the tension of the South China Sea.A assistant who did not want to be named said that the vice president's work that countered China to destroy global stability will continue.

Harris has hardly mentioned China since taking over the election.She briefly promised to ensure that "the United States instead of China won the 21st century competition" at the Democratic National Assembly.She was a guest CNN on Thursday evening, and in this first important interview, China has no sense of presence.

Jennifer Welch, who was the Asian consultant of Harris and now Bloomberg's economic research, said that compared with Trump, the Democratic Party's nominee may adopt a "More targeted methods. "

"The potential Harris government is more likely to retain the key aspects of Biden's means to China than the potential Trump's second government," she said.

Biden's strategy will soon be tested.U.S. officials are increasingly worried about China's expansion of nuclear weapons.They even more urgent warnings on Russia's war against Ukraine in Beijing.Harris has not stated that how to handle Congress has passed Tiktok, which has passed the blocking order, although she has also become a user of this platform.

Democrats facing the problem that voters are more agreed with Trump rather than Biden.The former president took advantage of the hostileness of the United States for China's ingrained. Of course, some critics also claimed that he had played a role in stirring.Biden continued some of Trump's policies and refused to cancel his tariffs he had imposed during his tenure.

This is the consensus of the two parties in Washington.Two weeks later, the House of Representatives will hold a "China Week", which will launch a series of proposals for new restrictions on China.

Harris jointly proposed multiple bills involving human rights involving Hong Kong and Xinjiang.Cui Hongjian, a professor of Beijing University of Foreign Languages, who had served as a Chinese diplomat, said that if she regains these sensitive issues, the relationship between the two countries may further deteriorate.

The tension of countless problems is that Biden is likely to become the first US president to visit China since Jimmy Carter.Even so, he was trying to prevent the relationship between the two countries from being completely ruptured.

Jack Shalin, a national security consultant, emphasized this kind of information for stable.He tried to send a double signal on Harris when he met in Beijing in Beijing.On the one hand, the White House high -end think tank preached her depth of her affairs in Chinese affairs, and at the same time warned Beijing not to try not to use her experience in the outside world.

On the occasion of only two months before the election, Shalvin also hinted that Harris would support the Bayeon government's plan to continue to talk to China.

"Vice President Harris has always been the core member of the Biden Foreign Policy Team." Shatvin said, "She had the opportunity to deal with President Xi and Premier Xi, so both the two supreme leaders in China knew her."

Another sign is that Harris chose Tim Walz, who has experienced experience in China as his campaign partner.At the same time, Gordon's memorandum emphasized that Harris visited the Indo -Pacific region four times and invested "a lot of time and energy" to strengthen the relationship between the United States and the local allies.

"Harris spent a lot of time on the Asian issue, to some extent explain her Chinese strategy." She once provided him with the new American security center senior researcher Jacob, who provided him with Vice Presidential President,STOKES said, "There is an old saying that the best Chinese strategy is a good Asian strategy."