Source: WeChat public account "East Study Hall"

Author: Yu Jianye

Recently, the former party group and deputy director of the Bijie Science and Technology Bureau Yu Jico were sentenced to 9 years in prison for bribery and fined 700,000 yuan.In the face of the camera, he claimed that "hard work for nearly two decades, allowing the business owner to get tens of millions of yuan, but he couldn't even get the down payment of hundreds of thousands of yuan, and he felt wronged."

This "grievance" remarks of Yu Jico are common in the statements of many corrupt officials, and it is the great harm of psychological imbalances behind it.

Psychological imbalances are not rare in today's society, and they are particularly significant in corruption cases of public officials.Excessive thirst and chase of power and material are the root causes.Social high -speed development and prosperity of economic prosperity, and material temptation is pervasive.Public officials have witnessed the luxurious life of businessmen around them. In contrast, they can only rely on fixed salary. This sharp contrast caused a strong impact in the heart, thereby forming a huge psychological gap.This is not an overnight, but gradually accumulation and amplification in long -term observation and comparison.It is like a seed in the bottom of the heart. Under the nourishment of desire, we take root and germinate. In the end, they deviate from the professional ethics that the public staff should have, abandon the original mission of serving the people, put the personal interest in the first place, pursue wealth without choosing, so as to pursue wealth, so asStepping on the road of crime.

In fact, compared with the ordinary working class, the staff in the current system have certain advantages in terms of living standards.They can not only have relatively stable and guaranteed income, but also enjoy many potential benefits and convenience, such as the benefits of welfare policies that may exist in housing and pension, as well as the advantages of working environment and occupation stability.The attraction of work in the system is an important reason for many people to eager to enter the system.As a civil servant, we should know more deeply. In China, many poor people are still struggling to meet basic living needs.Hope of life.

This psychological imbalance of officials is that they mistakenly regard the power in their hands as their ability.The greater the power, the more resources you control, the greater the psychological gap.In fact, the power in their hands is just given because of the specific environment of the system.However, they are often trapped in the hallucinations brought by power, and they mistakenly regard the advantages given by the platform as their own unique abilities.The bias of cognition makes them get deeper and deeper in the mud of desire.

If they really feel that they can get more wealth, they can resign from the public office brightly, and work hard in the market of the market with their own true skills.But they did not choose this right way, but tried to use the power in the system to seek illegal wealth for themselves. This behavior is undoubtedly a trample on legal dignity, a serious damage to social fairness and justice, and trust in the people's trust in the people.Ruthlessness and disappointment.