The government promises to supply 100,000 new house units from 2021 to 2025.By the end of December 2024, 80,000 new house units will be launched as planned.This is one step closer to the goal set earlier.

Increasing the supply of pre -order group (BTO) is an important strategy.It can ensure that the price of public housing is maintained in a affordable range, so that most of the qualified Singapore families can buy a house where you can afford your heart.

Before the crown disease epidemic, the application rate of pre -order groups for the first purchase of families increased from 3.7 times in 2019 to 5.5 times in 2021.That is to say, each new group unit has 5 to 6 families competing.The government has increased supply in the past four years, which to a large extent relief the dilemma of the shortcomings of HDB houses.

In the pre -order event in June 2024, the median application rate for the first purchase of the family fell to 1.9 times, and only two families in each new pre -order groups competed.However, the demand for popular housing areas is still strong. The application rate of pre -order groups in Four -bedrooms and five -bedroom houses in Tannini is 8.2 times and 8.5 times, respectively.

In his first speech of the National Day Mass Conference, Prime Minister Huang Xuncai reiterated that the government would meet the determination of Singaporean's housing needs.The government will further help alleviate the imbalance of supply and demand in the group market through three housing measures.

First of all, the government will implement a new group classification system during the pre -sale of housing housing in October 2024.The new system will classify the pre -order group projects, classify the three categories: "standard", "preferred" and "gold".This will replace the old classification system of mature and non -mature house areas.It can use more subsidies and stricter resale restrictions to allow more locations to be superior and popular. It can be launched at more reasonable prices, so that more families can choose to suitable for them according to economic new group classification system can better match the buyer's housing preferences and the location characteristics of the group house.

For example, in the preferred group houses in Tamletni and Biwan District, and the golden group house in the city center, the additional preferred and golden house project subsidies will be added to ensure that these house units will be ensuredThe price can be set within the range of general family capabilities.

Secondly, the government also considered raising the existing enabled cpf house with 80,000 yuan. The current allowance is allocated by household income.It is expected that the increase in new additional settlement allowances will be more inclined to help those low and medium -income families with relatively tight finances.Under the permission of economic capabilities, they can choose to choose and apply for a better and public opportunities by using higher additional settlement allowances, but also have a superior group housing type and project.

Third, the government can also build a pre -order group unit in advance to meet future needs.Compared with the current construction time of most groups for about four years, the government will also launch more housing projects with shorter waiting time, allowing buyers to receive completed units in less than three years.

These new measures reflect the government's determination to ensure that Singaporeans can still afford public housing.The new housing policy also indirectly improves the problem of housing matching of different income families, so that they can choose the right house according to their personal wishes.

Huang Xuncai aware of the housing needs of different groups.It is not easy and challenging to formulate public housing policies that can meet the expectations of different residents' housing.The government does not ignore the housing needs of the elderly and single people.

The government's commitment to each Singapore family is committed to ensuring that public housing can afford, fair and inclusive.Singapore's 2024 mid -range housing house price income ratio was maintained at about 4.8 times.This indicator that clearly reflects the price of housing is envious for many residents living in London, Sydney and Hong Kong, but it is not able to reach it.

The author is a professor of chief chief chairman of the Department of Real Estate of the State University of Singapore.The article belongs to a personal point of view, which does not represent the National University of Singapore and its subsidiaries.