Source: Bloomberg

Author: Julie Fine, Katia Porzecanski

The Trump campaign partner, who was surrounded by conservatives at the Republican Congress a week ago, faces a grim reality.

James Wans' comments published in 2021 on "Children's Noble Cats" not only attract criticism of the Democratic Party, but even some people in the Republican Party proposed to oppose it.

Tomi Lahren, a conservative political commentator, said, "If you want to win the support of women in the suburbs, you call the suburban women who have no children.Republicans, I think this is very interesting, but I don't think many of the suburban women with a wait -and -see attitude will find it interesting. "

The Trump camp is currently facing a critical moment when the election reversal.Biden's retirement and Vice President Harris's emergence inspired the Democrats' basic voters and donors, bringing her urgent reputation and funds.

On Friday, on Friday, he said on The Megyn Kelly Show that his remarks were not "criticized for those who had no children for various reasons", but "criticizing the Democratic Party to become anti -family and anti -children."

Swing State

Since the announcement of the election, the difference between Harris and Trump has been smaller than the support rates of Biden and Trump.

This means that the Republican Party, which is a key swing state such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, will become particularly important to the Republican Party.Born in the Abbarachia region and expressed concern about the working class many times, it is the key to the Trump campaign team to win the swing state voters.

The daughter of the late Republican presidential candidate John McCain, Meghan McCain, said, "I have been trying to warn every conservative person who knows. These remarks will anger women in various camps, including"My most conservative support from Trump's friends, these remarks have brought us real pain, and in essence, we are not pious.

Some remarks published by Wans' interview with Fox in 2021 caused fierce criticism.He said, "Our country is actually managed by the Democratic Party, the company's oligarch, and a group of cats without children. They feel painful about their choices and their choices, so they want to make others in this country feel painful."" ".

He specifically mentioned the female member of the New York State State Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Pete Buttigieg (Pete Buttigieg), the Minister of Transport.For those who have no real interesting relationship with the country, how can this say? "

Harris supporters quickly pointed out that Harris was the stepmother of the two children.

Karoline Leavitt, a spokesman for the Trump campaign team, pointed out that the comments of Wans should be understood in combination with a "important background".She said that a few days before the interview, Wans gave a speech at a meeting saying that he was not targeting those who could not give birth due to medical or biological reasons when he talked about "left -free left".

Harris has not announced the campaign partner.Considering the impact of race and gender on the 2024 election, she mainly considers white male candidates.

In recent days, Wans' fans are Harris, especially her handling of the southern border immigration problem.