Everyone's energy should be used in the new combination of production factors, reorganization of development ideas, the use of new technologies, and the development of new markets.In this way, regardless of the intensity and joy of input, it is far more than the rolling development.This is the case in every field.

Many fields in Chinese society like to mention "volume".The author's impression was originally referring to the field of education, especially the rolls of family education in primary and secondary schools.Many parents reported a lot of extra -curricular classes for their children, and they were considered to be a volume of Chinese education.Nowadays, the term "volume" has expanded to many areas of Chinese society. The media reported that the Chinese working class ranged from "996" to "896" (compilation: refers to working from 8 am to 9 pm, six days a week)Chinese electric vehicles are also competing in the domestic field to lose money, and so on.

Can the development of Chinese society only be achieved by rolls?Nothing.As soon as Chinese electric vehicles reach the international market, the broad and certain profit margins of the market can make people forget the rolls.In the case of low -level competition in the same industry, some friends around the author have adhered to the technology and quality route, and have achieved 30%of the growth in the past two years.The reason behind is "new productive forces".

The original intention of Chinese national leaders to mention new productivity is to hope that Chinese enterprises will take the technical route to achieve the upward movement of Chinese manufacturing in a smile curve.Judging from the development of China's reform and opening up for more than 40 years, China has reached the stage of relying on technology to achieve development, and the road to the incremental market in the past has been unsustainable.

This is also the internal development logic of the volume.Judging from the development path of developed economies in the world, Chinese -style modernization must rely on technology as support.Judging from the international situation faced by China, it is also necessary to promote technology as productive forces.

In fact, China's current development starts from new productive forces, and can extend to new development ideas and new production portfolios to achieve innovative development.

I recently watched Xiong Peter's theory of economic development and had more association thinking about new productivity.Xiong Peter believes that the so -called development is not a cycle, but a qualitative breakthrough with the past.In his thinking, innovation not only means adopting new technologies, but also includes the development of new products, adopting new methods, opening up new markets, adopting new materials, and realizing new organizations.

From the perspective of Xiong Peter, the market needs to be created, and the purchasing power is created.This has been proven by many cases.The American car king Ford said that if the customer asked for, the customer would answer "a faster horse" instead of a car.Ford is the revolutionary innovation and transformation of the automotive production line, so that the car production has embarked on a batch factory route, and the car moves towards the public.Today, Apple mobile phones and electric vehicles have created the purchasing power of new products.10 years ago, who could think of a car?Whether it is the emergence of batch cars, or Apple mobile phones and electric vehicles, it is a new product launched by new technologies.It was the launch of these products that human society has developed new development.

There is another point that new quality productivity requires people to promote and develop.Xiong Peter pointed out that a single invention cannot be regarded as innovation and must be applied to the industry in order to be regarded as innovation.Those who apply inventions to industry and promote can be regarded as entrepreneurs.This is also necessary for new productivity today.It is necessary to understand technology and the market economy. This is from the perspective of knowledge literacy and structural.In addition, from the perspective of entrepreneurs' development concepts, we must always think about innovation and development, rather than because of the observance of the old, to be called an entrepreneur.

China's reform and opening up has come to this day, the literacy that entrepreneurs need to have, from the initial "Tsinghua Peking University is not as bold as" to later market first marketing; to this day, it has developed to have a scientific and technological vision and innovative concept.Modern literacy.Chinese companies are not in the top 20 in their respective industries. Most of them are obtained by the large market size in China. The number of relying on endogenous technology research and development to the forefront of the world needs to be expanded.This requires a world -class entrepreneur who truly leads the road of endurance.

Macro, as well as micro.In the past two years, the international situation in the past two years, etc., friends who are engaged in traditional industries and follow the original business path, companies are going downhill.Those who are committed to innovation and taking the technical route, in the past two years, companies have not fallen and rising, making people really feel the importance of new productivity.

Looking back at the volume again.Historian sociologist Huang Zongzhi once proposed "inner volumes" on the "excessive density development" of the small farmers' economy in Chinese history, which means that the development of the economy of small farmers does not rely on technological progress, but to achieve development by increasing human labor in agricultural labor.Such development will not improve the quality of agricultural productivity, but will cause the marginal effects to decrease and increase production costs.

Many industries use rolls today. I want to show that there are not many opportunities for their respective industries.In fact, this is to look at the problem with static and restricted eyes.As Xiong Peter said, in order to jump out of conventional thinking and development ideas and achieve new combinations of production relations, productivity will have new development.Once new products are created and new markets are opened, the blue ocean market will appear, and opportunities will increase largely.Today, the rapid development of some new industries and new enterprises in China has fully verified this.

Everyone's energy should be used in the new combination of production factors, the reorganization of development ideas, the adoption of new technologies, and the development of new markets.In this way, regardless of the intensity and joy of input, it is far more than the rolling development.This is the case in each field, that is, the investment in primary and secondary school education. Parents should guide their children to develop good learning habits and cultivate endogenous learning interests.What class may have a greater impact on their lives.As Einstein said, imagination is more important than knowledge.In the economic field, new combinations of production materials, new adjustments to production relations, new references to new technologies, etc., will allow enterprises to stop using their strengths to fight for prices with their peers, but focus on innovation.In this way, the development of the enterprise is more powerful and the benefits will be more.

When the entire society is concentrated on innovation and improvement in their respective fields, everyone will develop, social vitality will be full, and innovation will be strengthened.Such a society will be strong and potential.

The author is an associate researcher at Nanjing University